HELP...dressing up my valve cover

Hey guys, just finished my TB install on my civic and I feel like dressing up the valve cover.


  1. If I choose to polish it, how do I do it…what do I need?
  2. If I choose o paint it do I need HIGH TEMP PAINT. If so can I lay 2-3 coats of HIGH TEMP BLACK and then pick any color I want from depot…like gold or something stupid. Its my beater so i feel like having fun here.

Only reason why I posted here is because im ready to o this like…yesterday.



where do i get that done?
know of any places

Hott Shots in Hamburg

You dont need high temp. paint. I’ve painted engine blocks with regular paint without a problem. The only 2 parts on a car I’ve see regular paint fade, melt, ect. is brakes and exhaust manifolds/headers. I painted my valve covers on my current car 2-3 yrs ago and they still look the same.
Just a FYI so you have more options for paint.

yeah you definitely dont need high temp paint.

wrinkle red or black.


im thinking construction orange with black VTEC lettering


how do you get that?

ive heard of laying down a base (BLACK) then spray water on it and getting water spots then spraying down the 2nd color (ORANGE or GREEN) when the paint drys, pop the water droplets and bam orange/green cover with black water spots

go to advanced and buy wrinkle paint… pretty simple.
you spray it and let it set… it will wrinkle itself.


example taken from one of the 10 threads on this

I have found the Duplicolor 500 degree engine paint you can buy at autozone, advance and walmart ($1 cheaper) sticks good, especially on cast parts, they have a “chevy orange” that kinda looks like construction orange

Clean the valve cover with laquer thinner or acetone before painting so it sticks

just picked up neon green and flat black

i might try the water spot look. the pic of the DOHC valve cover is nice though