Valve cover color.

I’m trying to decide what color to go with for my valve cover. I’m thinking wrinkle black and glossy black lettering. Did a little paint shop and doesn’t look too bad.

chrome gets you home!!

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Matte black, candy red letters… That’s my next move

skip valve cover paint…put money into engine.

Paint is cheap! :rofl

I’m towards the end of this build as is.

Matte black. That what im doing on a VC i’am working on.

I’m grinding mine flat, polishing it, painting candy red on it, masking the oem letters back on, then laying a matte black on the valve cover. ‘red chrome’ letters. Should look pretty cool

black with red letters are best IMO.

or you could just shave them off and have them all black


how about just stock?

Calm down midget

I did Gunmetal with black lettering. It came out pretty nice!!

Paul, I would listen to this guy if I were you. He beat me and Adam up and made us his bitches…

^^ What he said.

lol your right, he is twice the size of me, but im just saying, black doesnt make more hp, spend the time somewhere else.

I think I did mine for about ~$5

yeah but your a crippled fuck with nothing better to do

haha, did it last year! …dick lol

lol, either way your still crippled