sorry, have to agree. :hug

you guys are brutal

shut up pothead your so baked you dotn know shitt :retardclap

im just kidding benny :hug

Yeah i know. I didnt take the pics but im sure raj will work things out.

only way to “work things out” is to retake the pictures, even the best editting program wont fix those

isnt this RAJ charecter the one you guys were raving about who takes the awsome pictures

the one who took picture of him flythign thru the air and stabbing himself?

and IIRC all his other pictures were extremely grainy as well

Yeah i meant work things out with the camera. Its better than the pictures i could have taken with my camera.

Yeah dood, i know that they came out mad grainy, i forgot that i had my iso set up to its highest setting… when i tried to fix it in cs4 it came out grainy. but whatever i’m still figuring out how to take better pictures at night. i bought a speedlite 550ex that should give me better pictures…

Just remember DSLRs being digtal are way more sensitive to light, and in an outside setting being nothing really to bounce light off its going to light up whatever your working with like a christmas tree…

Talk to AMD IS THE BEST… look at all his night pictures they come out crystal…

A tripod a slower shutter and lowering the ISO will do wonders

and Like I said its not just hte pictures being grainys… it sthe angles you used in conjunction with the light, the background setting you used and the fact that your shadows are in all the pictures

That car looks like a vacuum cleaner attachment


oh like ur all professional photographers. give him tips on how to make them better, its easy to bash a guys pics. help him out and he’ll take better pics.

I think nicks the only person that acctauly seems to listen to me when i talk to him about photography… so I gave up

i’d wana learn to take nicer pics. mine are basic.

nice car man:thumbup