someone broke into the store last night

2am someone smashed the window so far nothiing missing but this just makes my day let me tell you…been on the phone all morning trying to get a new window damn indian speaking people.

ps: lets keep this one drama free kiddies kthxbye

Are there tire marks from a g-body outside

that sucks. but i thought you were talkin about midnight autosports



whats midnight autosports?

I googled it… only thng i could find was out of Houston, TX

i needed to borrow a phone. i’ll bring it right back.

I’m just kidding…


you guys need to stop selling sprint phones, I get 5 customers a day angry at radio shack employees not knowing their info

edit: must be a conspiracy to drive blue insane

we get just as many here angry at you guys for the same reasons i dont’ wanna hear it

blah blah, at least we know the info… i mean it is our main job function lol

fuck this, im going to go work for tmobile instead

shoulda stayed with verizon, at least they speak english when you call them

all about the $$$

I dont have to speak to people in my job, I just do everything from our interface

:kekegay: you mean oil spills

so… your saying it might be a good contractor?

apparently it was some black guy who wanted a couple packs of dvd-rs, that’s all he took

that was me, i was going to bring them back

mmmk…anyone else want anything while i’m marking things down as stolen :rofl:

(yeah, btw kidding bout this i’m not el-stupido to do such a thing-o)
