Do Guys Go Tanning ???

It’s your ex that is paying you to go tanning?

LOL. Let me guess.

  1. You guys are still fucking.
  2. She thinks you look ugly because you’re so goddamn white.
  3. You’re STILL pussy whipped.
  4. Do not profit. Do not pass go. Do not even THINK about collecting two hundred dollars.

Totally agree with you really. Just making discussion. The fake sun they jam into the bulbs do give off more harmfull rays than the real sun… from what i heard. Same reason welders cover up exposed skin, that will do the same thing as a tanning bulb to some extent.

Also I hate to break it to you but i am sure chatting on Shift518 will be the next leading cause of cancer too! Right, I know everything you see in the news is some new form of cancer cause. its lame.

Same as smoking and other bad shit, people know it isnt good but still do it… I dont give a fuck about them really. But then again, the same arguement has been pointed at me for wheeling my bike, or jumping 100 feet off a jump on my dirt bike, or smoking weed, or driving 100mph in my car… they arnt the smartest things i could be doing but I still do them. so it is what it is. But when I can avoid something that can cause my body to get fucked up past the point where dr’s can just patch me up and release me, I tend to shy away from it.

moderation is key

That’s why I just tan my cock. White girls love dark meat :lol

ninetyone has china man dic syndrom.

I too have a penis that is darker than my normally visible skin.

We should tell the cops that, I was only wheeling for like 2 miles… I wanted to go farther but everyone says dangerous things are OK if done in moderation!

Yeah why is that? my theighs are straight WHITE… and my pecker looks like it went tanning without me!

Actually Japanese man but yeah close :rofl

we all have our “unsafe” things that we like to do… it’s inevitable…

Definitely! I have a few girls and women that come in ever day of the week… Most people come in about 2-3 days a week

That isn’t going to help it grow…


I’ll be in Monday after class. I get out at 11.

It’s like 12 minutes of paradise, I’m telling you. I just set my phone to play some Sublime, kick back, and think about life.


I went tanning before vacas. Thats it. My sister and her friends now get a spray tan. One of them got a big scare this year and was diagnosed with skin cancer at the age of 22! It looks like it didnt spread much, just nasty scares from surgeries! So word of warning! Be smart, dont be a homo.

Whats a spray tan?

The kind that I tried the other day can’t be any more harmful than walking around outside in my boxers on a clear sunny day for 12 minutes…

K… I work at the Lark one Monday 11-5

thats too bad but can really happen to anybody…

Man in the Van Tan… my left arm is always darker than my right… except when i was in japan, it was opposite :lol

LOL +1, my left arm gets noticeably darker than my right :lol

omg i cant imagine if i went tanning.

I went from white to black this summer. and this shit isnt going away :ahh

Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer.

Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. It begins in skin cells called melanocytes.
Melanocytes are the cells that make melanin, which gives skin its color. Melanin also protects the deeper layers of the skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.
When people spend time in the sunlight, the melanocytes make more melanin and cause the skin to tan. This also happens when skin is exposed to other forms of ultraviolet light (such as in a tanning booth). If the skin receives too much ultraviolet light, the melanocytes may begin to grow abnormally and become cancerous. This condition is called melanoma.

Guido FTL.