Do I dare post this....awe, what the hell....

im lost, give some directions.

seen it some where before or a very similar site

lol, i looked at some of the posts, and one said “pictures depict Kerry as rather cold toward his wife”, and i though how can anyone find that women attractive? But kerry does look like a 5 week old corupse, so i guess there a good pair.

I think his feeding tube might have been removed…I havn;t heard form him latly…

STFU already!

why? Is it offending you? Was terri your cousin? If so I Truly do appologize.

If not then I don;t care. Why is it ok for everyone in the world to shove this woman;s buisness down my throat when I didn;t ask for it, yet if I crack jokes about it I am told to STUF.

Christ even south park was amaking fun of it last night with kenny being in a persistant vegiutative state with Cartmen as his BFG

in every fucking thread it getS old FUCKTARD! :madfawk:

so does most of the stuff on here

sorry but I;m going to have to agree with this statement…

a lot of those pictures look really photochopped to me

i dont like either one of them but that site is ghey.


kerry will always be a huge douche

only if u two panies are in it!

oh I know you guys always drop stuff and never repeat :rolleyes:

:finger: haha… Bush licks the big one

you should watch what you say Mr Government Job especialy since they will be utilizing your company which makes them intern able to pay you an absurd amount of money.

:jerkit: Im sure everyone that works there voted for BUSH :finger:

please STFU

keep rockin’ that Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker strong!

Because that will change the outcome!

thats what flux capacitors are for …iiiiidiot! gaawwwd