political threads

always get ruined rather quickly… :heh: … but regardless,

kerry fucking suxors.

why can’t the man just fess up to all the shit people talk about… tours in vietnam and the purple hearts … voting for this voting for that… blah blah blah… it’s all bullshit… the asshole just needs to stand at an open mic and explain himself - which will never ever happen.

i just dont’ know why you people actually LIKE john kerry… the guy is a fucking worm… lets hurry up and marry some rich ass women and become a millionaire… then claim to be a ‘working man’… ha!

he sucks… i’ll be happy to see him lose this election… what a fucking penis :greddy: :greddy:

and as far as your coming responce: ‘well GW bush should fess up too!!!’… well he already did last election and won… so whatever, he’s obviously ‘fit’ to be president.

Bush = :bigthumb:


he will have to stand in front of an open mic, during the presidential debates. And just because GWB hasnt precipitated a nuclear holocaust (yet) doesnt mean he is fit to be in office. Dont get me wrong, Kerry is in fact a total douche, but he’s 11ty billion times better than Bush, if not solely for the fact that he has stated multiple times that he can leave his religion at the door.

and right on que issssssssssssssssssss DARKSTAR
mike we got your political stance by now

oh yeah Bush x4

shaggy 04

dude … kerry is lying, i can’t even imagine him in office… the mother fucker has lied 100 times already… dude gets swayed to an opinion when the wind blows… i say F kerry… even if you don’t like bush, you should vote for him JUST to avoid kerry.

shaggy 04 but got to go w bushhhh

proof of lies?

John kerry stood in front of the USS Yorktown and lied about his vote in favor of the Joint Resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq. Kerry asserted in his announcement that he voted in favor of “threatening” to use force against Iraq. Either John Kerry believes Americans cannot read or he cannot do so himself. The resolution contains the statement “The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate…”

agreed kerry is an discrace to america, not say bush is the man but kerry is a faggot

carrey needs another show :kekegay:

No politician that has made it as far as Kerry would lie about his voting record, which of course is public record, and any GOPer with half a brain could call him on it.

Shaved > Bush :hitit:

Either way, the polls are so close now that its a moot point. The race will be decided after the debates, which Kerry will win hands down. It will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

If there’s one thing GW has done right, it’s that he has stuck to his platform for 4 yrs now… His policies never change, and neither does his viewpoints, which is why Bush will destroy Kerry in any debate. Kerry has yet to make up his mind on key issues, and those that he has told the public about, he has changed his mind… many times more than once.

I see a presidential debate just the opposite, with Kerry taking one hell of a beating.

you have seen Bush’s public speaking, right? He can barely talk when hes in front of a crowd chanting about how great he is. Kerry is gonna tear him apart.

bush is up bye 12 points now…

Bush speach and the Republican convention almost brought a tear to my eye

another useless PITTspeed drama thread.