well i been thinking why does he claim two tours in vietnam and was only in country for 4 months…:dunno:
one tour in nam is 12 months …so to me he has less than 1/2 a tour…i guess this is just another one of his lies
well i been thinking why does he claim two tours in vietnam and was only in country for 4 months…:dunno:
one tour in nam is 12 months …so to me he has less than 1/2 a tour…i guess this is just another one of his lies
Why does bush claim he showed for the texas air guard? He was too scared to play fighter pilot over the dangerous skies of texas.
i just asked a question…i guess there is no answer…but if you seriously have a problem with the NG and Reserves i will give you my address and we can talk about it…
i guess this is just another one of your pointless threads. Kerry went to Vietnam. He had the most dangerous job there, He was wounded multiple times, he killed motherfuckers. The only thing GWB was killing was bottles of Jack. You really cant say shit about Kerry’s record, as compared to Bush’s. But why dwell on shit that happened 35 years ago? :rolleyes:
[truth]would rather have a liar in office then some psychopath hell bound with world domination and trying to get all of us hated on and killed. Who cares about their past…its my future Im worried about[/truth]
at least he went
We wont be asking these questions on Nov 3, unless Edwards is rallying the law teams for a recount.