Kerry's Truck


so he goes both ways?

i’d post up the pic of george bush’s truck, but it deserted the photo shoot.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Its out back drunk, doing a line of un-cut Columbian off a strippers ass.

like u & darkstar would do if u had rto go to war!!!

if the war was just, I’d be the first one to line up. But Im not gonna line up just because some half-retarded Texas redneck who accidentally got elected wants to play real-life stratego with the whole world because 19 people on various planes hijacked them and did what they did on 9/11.

exactly… but i wouldn’t run for president if i deserted.

and it’s a moot point anyway… when i was young and stupid i wanted a computer job in the navy, but they wouldn’t take me because of a two-week stay i did in St. Francis’s adolescent dual-diagnosis department. Crazy pillheads aren’t their first choice…

you might find this little quip amusing…

You should also check out the forums there. Its free to browse but you have to pay to post. I think im gonna join. I have nothing to do at work sinceI got banned from OT. And the forums there are full of intellectuals like me ad you. Very good, well moderated political/religion/blah blah blah debates.

Hah… I loved my stay at St. Francis.

When I got there, the woefully retarded nurse couldn’t seem to find a one of my veins to draw blood from, so I had to TAP MY OWN VEIN in a hospital. And I was 13!

Then, I had to go to 30 minutes of group therapy every day for the two weeks I was there… Everyone else had stories like:

“My uncle raped me, forced me to have an abortion, and now I’m addicted to Heroin and cutting myself”



Whereas my story was more like:

“Um… I like to wash down a couple Valium with some Bushmills and play Mario Kart until I fall asleep…maybe smoke a bowl or two…”

Nobody took me seriously and I loved it.

While everybody else was going through withdrawals, emotional trauma, and other shit, I sat in the lounge all day playing Sega and eating cereal. A two week vacation in the middle of eighth grade. :smiley:

cool. ( if its possible to call ones stay at a mental ward “cool”)

if i had a good health insurance plan, i’d go back for a few days…

cool then. Im sure you would at least get to meet some interesting people.

x2, and stratego was a kick ass game. Me and my brother used to play it all the time.

Sheesh, there goes a post that was a joke. I can’t wait until the election is over.

9/11 was reason enough to go to war

afghanistan, yes. Iraq, no.