Do i install world or warcraft?

So, from what ive heard, this game is like crack. eviljay just moved in and brought it with him, his ex used to play it a lot.

so what do i do? i used to play the old warcraft all the time when i was younger, and it was kinda addicting. i liked it a lot though… should i install it? will i become a 1337 h4x0r?

well i have a friend that has been playing it 8 hours a day for the past 2 years…

Its fun if you have patience & alot of free time

do not do it.

you will drink and play… trust me.

You wont like it and dont waste your fucking life.
I played for a while.

I didnt have the patience for it.


Counter-Strike f0 lyfe… i just got out of playing Phantasty Star Online… it got a little addicting. but im not paying monthly for this shit anymore… you don’t realize how much you waste on it.

EDIT: the poll option stay at home and save some money :bloated:

Don’t do it! It will make your beer jealous.

i’m all about you staying home and saving money, but don’t get sucked into that shit either…unless you run around screaming LEEEEEEEEEEEEROOOY JENKINS!!! then it would be fine.


i wont. i like going to bars and meeting people way to much.

im drunkkkkkkk

make love, not warcraft.

oh good god no. my ex-bf’s friend almost never left his house b/c he played that game.

eh, PVE is bad for your health, go play a real mmorpg

Dooooo it!


Did any of you see the Southpark episode this week with WOW…omfg it was awsome!

I wanna get it but shit, even with DiabloII I was playing like 10 hrs a day…and Fable…I put in over 50 hrs in 3 days. Yeah…weekend RPG binges ftw lol.

mmorpgstwftwomg are for queers

^ :lol: