So, from what ive heard, this game is like crack. eviljay just moved in and brought it with him, his ex used to play it a lot.
so what do i do? i used to play the old warcraft all the time when i was younger, and it was kinda addicting. i liked it a lot though… should i install it? will i become a 1337 h4x0r?
Counter-Strike f0 lyfe… i just got out of playing Phantasty Star Online… it got a little addicting. but im not paying monthly for this shit anymore… you don’t realize how much you waste on it.
EDIT: the poll option stay at home and save some money :bloated:
i’m all about you staying home and saving money, but don’t get sucked into that shit either…unless you run around screaming LEEEEEEEEEEEEROOOY JENKINS!!! then it would be fine.