Do-It-Yourself Altezzas!?!

Holy crap. :silent:

wow, that’s impressive!

Wow, that is sweet. Anyone gonna try it?

looks good, id try it if i had the resources :smiley:

that is actually pretty sick,
I think it looks cool

yeah its not too bad, i wouldn’t do it myself, but it did turn out pretty clean…

I was going to do something like that for my 3rd brakelight on my hatch…

His Lights turned out really clean…

Just look at the work & time it would take (and creativity)!! Much respect to this guy for sure.

do you guys know what kind of material that disc was?

The detail is good, but I don’t think it looks very good… It looks kinda
cheap when the lights are lit up.

well it does loook cheap on an is300

but maybe it’ll look good on a cheap 240 :stuck_out_tongue: