Do people who suck know that they suck?


:clap: :lol:

that’s what i’m saying. they just don’t care.

edit: sucky civilians seldomly are seriously stressed about sucking

since i’m on a roll…

I have had this conversation before and i asked my friend if we should envy these people who suck terribly but just seem to be cool with it. We stress over goals and accomplishments while they are just happy to fail at life everyday. But we decided they cry in front of the mirror at night and all was well.

Yes, thats why they try so hard to not suck which over compensates for their suck-age causing them to suck even more.

I’m pretty sure you can’t see pics, so just imagine the world’s tinyest violin…

Fag not like i am bitching about it I will take doing something with myself over sucking at life any day of the week. We just found humor in the mentality of these people and how they more or less just think everything around them is jacked up and they are great.


You suck

But I don’t know it! :smiley:

HOW.DID.I.GET.INTO.THIS.THREAD. i dont know i suck… so tag me in the %25 who dont know that they apparently suck
thanks geoff

Double post

lol you even suck at single posting

god you suck.

But now you know. And bro for serious :gay: please stop sending me nudes. I open the e-mails at work and i don’t want them to find out about us. Thanks

do i suck?

Yes because you only gave me 15 min on my sweet trade deal. I was just trying to help you out brah.


If I have to ask if I suck, then I suck.
If I think I don’t suck, then I suck.
If I think I suck, then I suck… or as far as I know I do.

Since I spent an entire day in safety training I think I suck a little less.
Or at least I will not stick my head into a nitrogen purged cold box atleast.
