You all suck

my broken ass dsm will own all of you in a downhill race into a lake. (flexing tough guy internet muscles.)

chad is gay, him and mike are probly fucking right now. Craig likes little boys, I watched him make a pass at his roommate the other day and bust his balls for not eating dinner at the specified time. they then proceeeded to play they’re favorite game, prison sex. the brothers in the hall feel more at home when they play that game. jeremy aka secutor, aka hannibal, aka big flaming faggot is actually pondering heterosexuality, or so I’ve been told. zexlude actually tried to act like a tough guy without his keyboard, this day will be remembered in history.

hey pat…

Fist yourself :smiley:

welcome:beer: & i see u know chad welll!!!:tounge: :smiley:

the truth comes out about DSM’S

Originally posted by Ihatemydsm
my broken ass dsm will own all of you in a downhill race into a lake. (flexing tough guy internet muscles.)

chad is gay, him and mike are probly fucking right now. Craig likes little boys, I watched him make a pass at his roommate the other day and bust his balls for not eating dinner at the specified time. they then proceeeded to play they’re favorite game, prison sex. the brothers in the hall feel more at home when they play that game. jeremy aka secutor, aka hannibal, aka big flaming faggot is actually pondering heterosexuality, or so I’ve been told. zexlude actually tried to act like a tough guy without his keyboard, this day will be remembered in history.

juse because you’ve had facial hair since you were 11, doesnt make ya tough. Although, fending off uniontown ass fuckings probably toughens ya up a little…errrr um wait… you wouldnt fight it. Nevermind, i guess you are destined to living the life of a hairy cunt.


Originally posted by BlkP42E
juse because you’ve had facial hair since you were 11, doesnt make ya tough. Although, fending off uniontown ass fuckings probably toughens ya up a little…errrr um wait… you wouldnt fight it. Nevermind, i guess you are destined to living the life of a hairy cunt.

post under ur own name!!!:rolleyes:

ur gay…go away n00b

welcome i chalange you to a downhill race in my broken dsm

Originally posted by BlkP42E
juse because you’ve had facial hair since you were 11, doesnt make ya tough. Although, fending off uniontown ass fuckings probably toughens ya up a little…errrr um wait… you wouldnt fight it. Nevermind, i guess you are destined to living the life of a hairy cunt.


no way man, that cunt in the porno was had way more hair than I ever will. it was like an animal died on top of her vag

Originally posted by turbotalon91
welcome i chalange you to a downhill race in my broken dsm

its on like donkey kong

Welcome :beer: