Do people who suck know that they suck?

Can you believe 3 of them in a row did it? :lol: Now they sucked.

And you suck waaay more now that you’ve had Steinbrenner’s training.

Well, naw Steinbrenner’s a good guy. Safety training, not so much.

this thread does not suck.

i know I suck


i am very blissful!!


I am almost 100% positive all 80-85% of all people who suck don’t know they suck. Want proof? Turn on MTV.

The 15% of people who know they suck are emo or try to kill themselves. (Emo kids chime in here.) Of course they all fail at killing themselves because they suck.

50% of people that suck are fat broads. ie: Oprah
EDIT: Also known as cunts.

15% of people that suck are drug addicts that live in trailer parks and work in the fast food industry.

The other 20% of people who suck are the MTV kids. The people who over purchase and try to impress everyone with their siqq mad bro coolness.

In my own self defense I may or may not suck.

I think, therefore I suck. I think.

I suck.

People don’t want to feel bad. If people knew they sucked, they would change the part that they feels sucks thus no longer feeling bad for sucking. Therefore in the long run it is impossible to both suck and know it.

There is the exception to the rule known as blamers. These are people who know that they suck but decide that they are victims of their own suckage, and thus do not truly suck as it is simply a product of their sucky environment. However, this inherently sucks them back into the category of sucking and not knowing it. See: Mortgage crisis.

But what if someone sucks really fucking hard and realizes they suck so they try to change the parts of them that suck. But they in fact suck so bad that they don’t really make any improvements and basically are just aware they suck but are too lazy and shitty at life to fix their suckness.

Well, at least you have abs. :shrug:


What if someone comes out with 6 minute abs?

Hmm i kinda set myself up for that one. You won this round!

But for real like i have a guy i work with who is a really nice guy but man he fails at life so hard. 30 years old 4 ex-wives, 6 kids, tons of debt including delinquent debt, 20% car loan, etc etc etc oh and lives in a trailer and aspires to buy a smoky and the bantdit f-bod. Anyhow i have spent countless hours trying to help this guy plan budgets, consolidate debt, go back to school and no matter what he seems to always find a way to screw things up. He is aware of how bad he sucks and is trying to fix it but i do not se him not sucking for quite some time.

TONS of lazy people that suck will buy it thinking that they can actually get great abs with six minutes of work. It should come with a combo deal with how to win the lotto and how to make your sister stop screaming when its feel good time.

Sounds like his heart doesn’t suck but his brain does. I would put him in my “excuses” section, as he apparently always finds a way to justify the sucky option. I feel bad for him though. I hope he minimizes his suckage.

Yea i suppose he is a rarity in these cases. I mostly can’t stand people who suck bucause usually they are just lazy and stupid but this guy is really nice. :violin2: LOL did we always have violin2?

haha I think so. Wait, so can you see pics? I thought you couldn’t on your arabianroadrunner connection?

I can see some pics i suppose it has to do with whoever the host is. Like if i look in the smileys i can see almost all of them. I can’t see most of the new ones though just red x’s. In threads with pics i can almost never see them. The internet i use is a gov connection and has a websense filter that blocks tons of websites including most websites that would host pics so i think that is the issue. For example if i go to youtube i get this.

Access Denied (policy_denied)

Your system policy has denied access to the requested URL.
For assistance, contact your network support team.

Your request was categorized by Blue Coat Web Filter as ‘Social Networking;Streaming Media/MP3s’.
If you wish to question or dispute this result, please click here.

Maybe I just suck:cry:

You’ll never know. :stuck_out_tongue:

bump for some people who were at duffs.