Do people who suck know that they suck?


lol omg newman that sig…

step into my office!


kuz ur fuckin fired!!!

I know I suck…and knowing is half the battle…G.I. JOE!!!

^ :bigblap:

wow…now you sir really suck. You’e the suckyest suck that ever sucked! lol j/k

Im super super sereal here…whats a blap?

If you gotta ask, you can’t afford it.

wait who is that in newmans headache inducing sig? does she suck?

your sig makes me want to punch old women

I just heard this song and it reminded me of this thread.

He may not have a clue
And he may not have style
But everything he lacks
Well he makes up in denial

:wave: i was at duffs. we should discuss somethings which we saw at duffs perhaps…

BUMP, I think due to recent threads some people need to just roll their computer chair a few feet back, take a deep breath and think DO I SUCK?

just like people that bump old threads because they have nothing better to do with their lives. Thank you you just gave me the highlight of my friday.

n00b :meh:

But less noob then those who should be less noob than me.

I dont like you.

Pretty sure you are one of the people as you have described above…no?

does he get added to the sig?

nah I suck and I know it, therefore with a little determination and ambition I can not suck, Don’t hate cause I bumped a thread that applies :slight_smile: too much hating not enough appreciating.

There is the flawed logic you share with the other people who suck. (See the sig above you).