Do the Steelers make the superbowl??

If you go back to the start of the NFL playoffs and think about things and say a couple of what ifs? Do the steelers make the Superbowl?

I don’t think they do

I don’t think they would have beat a Bengals team with Carson Palmer

I don’t think they beat the Colts coming off of a bye week

I don’t think they beat the Colts without the death of Dungy’s son

And obviously how many times with Vanderjagt miss that kick?

And Jake the snake having his meltdown against them

I don’t think they were the best team from the AFC at all entering the playoffs

I have been watching NFL network all morning wtih the Media day, and they reviewed their schedule and wins/losses throughout the year and I don’t feel they became a good enough football team to even make the playoffs until around week 14 to allow them to creep into the playoffs.

I understand that you have to get into the playoffs and its a fresh season, but given the “luck” they have encountered in the playoffs, do you feel they are good enough to be there?

Just curious


i’m not flaming you for your opinion that the steeler’s don’t deserve to be in XL - but isn’t the bottomline that they beat enough teams during the regular season to get into the playoffs?

if its anything that I learned about football, it’s that on any given sunday, any team is capable of winning. And the steelers have done just that.

my thought was that they were actually better than their record implied. when maddox was in for a few they looked like ass, but when big ben came back they turned it right back around and got into the playoffs on a high note with that winning streak. yea it was too bad palmer got knocked out of that game (i really wanted the bengals to make it all the way this year out of the teams who made the playoffs) but it could happen to anyone. they still took advantage of everything. if anything they almost got screwed out of the indy game (remember all those questionable calls?) lol i actually see them winning the superbowl, in a close fought game with seattle.

Yeah, maybe I am just biased because I wanted to see the Bengals go too.

this city is gonna be nutz if we win on sunday :headbang:

Well…I have to go against everyone and say…

I hope the Steelers win. :slight_smile:

Bettis FTW

Yes they deserve to be there.

They took the right chances at the right times

They are a very good team.

No they dont deserve to be there because Indy should have been. They didnt show up bottom line, the colts beat themselves in that game it wasnt the steelers. And to everyone who says the steelers deserve a chance i say f that broncos worked harder this year than they have in years, so did seattle.

yea its the steelers fault that the colts “didn’t show up”. i hate that excuse. that just proves to me that the colts didn’t deserve to be there, not that the colts should be instead of the steelers :bloated:

in the other superbowl thread i posted my thoughts on why i think seattle is going to win, and im sticking to it

seattle will beat pittsburgh

Thats your opinion, the colts have slowly been getting better every year, last year was the steelers chance and they played well, but this year it was the colts. It should be the colts or broncos, both are better teams.

slightly OT can you go to like OTB and bet on the superbowl? where are places you can go to make bets? casnio?

Not otb but you can go to they are pretty good with online betting. Its totally legit too.

so then in your way of football why would anyone even bother playing anyone else. lets just look at the rosters and say who’s the best teams lol your theory is like magazine racing :stuck_out_tongue: thats why they play the games!

:beer: :beer:

No, it had nothing to do with the fact that manning is usually good because his O line usually isn’t swiss cheese and gives him time to throw and Pittsburgh totally rocked Indy’s O line that game.

Don’t get me wrong, peyton is nasty, but the bottom line, D wins big games, and D is something Pitt is definately very good at.

Of course, if your offense sucks then the D is forced to make big plays and usually fucks up, that and they get tired…

Pretty boy teams shouldnt be able to beat the steelers, and they didnt. Everyone gets lucky at some point in the season if you are going to go this far, but the steelers are a very good team. Asking ‘what if’ could be said about them too, what if big ben hadnt missed games and their top couple running backs hadnt gotten injured, id imagine they would have went atleast 14-2. Same team as last year only more experienced, they deserve it.

The bengals and seahawks are good too, but they’ll have other chances, this is JB’s last shot

2TurboZ 's entire tune would change if Brett Farve was on the Steelers :roll:


I don’t think they beat the Colts without the death of Dungy’s son

im sick of hearing this… its just a lame ass excuse for people to say why the colts lost… deal with it people they lost… their o-line played like crap thats why they lost