Do VW owners know that their cars are FWD?

You’d figure that such a basic piece of information about their cars would not have gone unnoticed, but every day, I see VW owners that are just not aware of it. Wide-ass wheels with 165 profile tires stretched on the back to give them that “drifter” look. What… the… hell? I know some of you will start whining like little bitches and go like “oh, it’s their car, if they like it they can do whatever they want with it” If you’re a happy care bear tree hugger like that, fine, do your thing. But if you have an ounce of asshole in you and hate dumb people, point and laugh next time you see one.

Gonna have to agree with you on this one.

It’s not supposed to look like a drift car you tard…that is the “Euro” look and VW guys have been doing that longer than you or I have known about drifiting.

If you a going to try to make fun of someone…at least get your facts right.

Solarian, one word…



And since when must a car be RWD to run wide, flush wheels with stretched tires anyway?

yea really… thats look has been going on since forever… they were probly stretching tires before any clown over here even thought about it…

hell my dad had a pimped out 76 rabbit when he was a kid like that… that was 1978!



Solarian, -10

Meh, it doesn’t make it any less gay. Atleast the ugly stretch on drift cars is functional. Admittedly, I know nothing about the “euro” scene, but I’m willing to bet that they’re trying to rip off real cars (audi, bmw, etc) VW’s are the Suzuki Swifts of the german auto scene anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
On a non-related note, who keeps tally of the + and -? We should actually install that little add-on to count lol.

i concur



Its kinda like the posers that pop their collars on their shirts because they are trying to look cool rather then for the ‘functionality’ of the popped collar -to keep the sun off your neck. Next time you see one of those tards point and laugh at them…even more so if he drives a Toyota Camry, oops I meant Solara.

Peter let me ask you something, do you intentionally defend every ricer out there because you are a car enthusiast that loves the community and doesn’t like to see anyone made fun of, or do you randomly have a problem with me for god knows what reason? Explain it to me, I’d like to hear it. And honestly, why the hell do you care what I drive or how I wear my golf shirt?

Check and mate. :cool:

Game fucking over for Solarian.


I have to admit, Solarian got pwnt. You really need to make a comeback, I don’t know what else to say.

what the hell indeed, solarian. what the hell indeed.

As mentioned, stretched tires on vdubs (as stupid as it is, in my opinion) have been around forever.

This is why you shouldn’t start shit when you don’t know shit about shit!

Lulz, good reply Mike. I’m not gonna make a comeback for two reasons. One, I’m wrong on this one. I still think the stretched tires on VWs are gay, but I actually never knew that it’s been around for a long time. It seemed like they were trying to jump on the already overflowing bandwagon.
Two, I don’t want to continue this pissing contest with Peter, because he clearly doesn’t understand how these things work. You can only make personal remarks like that if you’re cool with the person you’re making them toward. It’s very different when a buddy of yours says shit about you, because you know eachother and you know it’s meant in jest, versus having some guy you completely don’t know, and have no rapport with or anything say it.

why can’t weeeeeee be friends, why can’t weeeeeeee be friends.

everyone, sing it with me.

I have nothing personally against you. I just cant understand your ignorance and disrespect. Simply put your narrow minded opinions are unneccessary. My reply was in the same demenor that you classified VW owners. Calling them dumb or ricers is why I made the comment about your shirt and car (I could care less what your wear or drive). No one likes to be shit on so why do you continue to do it to others? These posts are exactly what makes forums go down the shitter. Your car sucks cause of this and that, I dont like your wheels they arent flush, Hondas and VWs are gay… We dont need the haterade.

I wouldnt have any problems if you asked why VW guys run staggered setups on their cars but no you go calling them idiots and then say to laugh and point at them or you’re a ‘tree hugger’ if you dont do so. Its great that you have such a strong opinion but be prepared for the flame fest if you decide to air it out on here because like you said I dont know you and neither does 90% of the people on here so while you think this might all be in jest its not.

At the end of the day if you are man enough to dish it out the hate except some back.

Because it’s hard to convey things over the net, let me start by saying I’m not being sarcastic at all.
I can totally respect what you said there. I like to talk shit, because it’s fun, but you make a good point. I may or may not stop talking shit, because I do find it to be fun, but you’re right that I should expect some of it back.
Also, in case you don’t notice the thread or get around to reading it, I’ll say it here too. I’m sorry for calling you a ricer, I don’t actually think you are one, I was just talking shit.

I’ve been part of the VW community for as long as I’ve been driving (about 10 years now) and while I can’t speak for all of them, it should be pretty obvious that it’s not done for functionality. I think one of the main reasons was to be able to run very low offset wheels and minimize rubbing the fenders. Tires are usually stretched in the front too. Whatever the reason, it’s been done for decades and no not everyone’s going to like it. The same can be said for so many other things (ie drifting, hub-cap spinners, Dodge Neons, whatever :P) and some people will still like it. I appreciate cars from a variety of different manufacturers, and while there’s a whole lot of crap out there I might think is a complete waste of money, i try to just appreciate those cars and those modifications which I find functional/tasteful.

not all VW’s are FWD. The 02+ Passat have an all wheel drive system, some equipped with 4.0 8cyl engines.