Do you have any formal education on economics?

Simple question. Poll coming.

Yup, took Macro, will probably take Micro somewhere down the road.

I took a few college classes, one in general/micro economics, the other was political geography, which showed how different politics and religions effected the economies of differing regions around the globe. Very interesting.

Macro/Micro and a couple other classes to fill my electives.

As for me, I’ve taken micro and macro as part of my MBA program, so technically I’ve taken graduate level although I can’t imagine we got more in depth than an undergrad class. Probably covered more at a higher level I’d imagine.

high school binches

no multiple choice? :stuck_out_tongue:

That does sound interesting. :tup:

Pick your highest level jackass. :stuck_out_tongue:

graduated from ub with a finance degree. multiple eco classes to fill electives, Probably going to take more if i go back for my MBA.


it really was. usualy that stuff bores the shit out of me, but I really liked his class. Especialy when talking about the US/Canada/Mexico and he said that “Canada is like US jr. and Mexico is our bitch” lol.

There are lots of intelligent people with lots of polar opposite ideas about what to do with the economy right now. I’m not trying to prove right or wrong (as I have little faith in economics as a “science” anyway). I’m just looking for patterns, like maybe formal education on economics sways you towards Keynsian or something like that.

Intelligent peoples I is not one dem


B.S. Finance Canisius College December '06
MBA Economics & Finance Canisius College December '07

Is this just a thread so fry can showoff that he has graduate level education on the subject?

boo to you sir…boo

micro, macro, applied economics


highschool. which is why i dont post in the threads relating to any of this lol. maybe there should be more economics thread so i post less and less

after this year im going to be taking some courses as my electives. its not required for my major but it seems to be the smart thing to do.