School blows

So i started back at CCAC on monday and im still working at cochran as a lot attendent till 7.Im takeing up a macro economics class, financial accounting, english comp 1, and intro to computers.the only easy class is intro to far i spend 3 hours outlineing the first chapter in my macro class the day b4 its being taught and thats because everyone tells me thats the best way to understand everything completely cause my teacher re-words everything so that only if u truely understand the concept ull get the right answer.he even made a point that “memorization will not get u far in his class”.He also made a point that his class is a easy D.that really blows but i want to get through all my classes with as high as a grade possible because im tired of making 9 dollars an i still have accounting homework to do and its 11…school and work sucks…i think the only time im gonna b on here now is when i take a break from all this bull…

I had a lot of trouble working full time and going to school full time. I decided to make school my priority and live like a bum for a year or two. Sucks but I know that my education is more important.

i took macro and fin accounting last semester at RMU if you ever need som quick help.


thanks.its my second year.i plan to transfer somewere local so i can stay at that point ill try to make my school schedule mon-thursday and try to find a job to work fri and sat just 4 gas money.

Working FT and school FT sucks! I go back on Monday as well but coming to an end of my career as a student. I can’t wait to finally have my degree and not have to worry about 2 major life time consumers. Stick through it though and it WILL pay off if you apply yourself correctly after graduation.

…and…take grammar 101 :slight_smile:

Well incase u didnt catch that its my 2nd year and now im taking comp 1. English is by far my worst subject. I took 2 other classes just to get to the regular level. For some odd reason my grammer and mechanics absolutly suck. The only reason i got through highschool is because i got my papers done early and had my teacher and other people correct my paper atleast 4+ times b4 i hand it in.
I do hope it pays off.Im so sick of school i just want to get my life started. Working doesnt bother me. Going to school and working does.

School > Work.

Yeah, working part time you will make less money. But when you get out of school, you will make more money then if you hadn’t. Story short: it will pay off in the long run.

At least I hope so. I quit my job just so I can focus solely on school my first semester to see how it is.

I did that last summer. 40+ a week and night classes from 6-9 four times a week. It didn’t end well.

I agree with everyone else that school is more important that work. Not trying to discourage you from being able to do both, but like Zach said, sometimes you have to make a temporary sacrifice to get a much better gain for yourself.

oo trust me if my school starts to suffer im gonna cut back on the hours.i get out of class at 11:50 and i start work at 12 and work till 7.i just hope everything works out.

work full time and school part time for me. I figure I should have my bachelors degree in about 12 more years. :smiley:

:stick: such is life.

When I graduated and told my parents I intended to go to college, they said “good luck”. I then proceeded to work 50hrs a week, as I had done since about 15, to pay for school while I was enrolled. It was a very tough investment for sure, but well worth it. My days were 7hrs of school, 1ohrs of work, then intravenous coffee and studying until the library booted me out. Every day of the week. All I can say is the peson it made me become is worth all the sacrifice and then some. Good luck with your path grasshopper.

I can’t imagine working full time and being a full time student, I have to give you all a lot of credit. I got lucky, my college education was paid for and even though I didn’t have to work, I still felt like there wasn’t enough time in the day sometimes. Even just working at a pizza place for a couple days a week for a month or two for extra cash got annoying. Keep working hard and get your degree, it will make a huge difference in your quality of life. A couple years of stress will be well worth it when you are finished.

Also, if you need any accounting/finance/business help, just shoot me a PM. I got my BS in accounting about a year and a half ago and have been working as an accountant so don’t hesitate to ask for help!

I’ve taken 15 credits while working 48 hours/week…still got a 4.0…my advice to you is, solider the fuck up and quit bitching about it!!!

Being busier makes us more effective/efficient and helps us realize our potential.

You might think your teacher is being a dick, but he’s doing you a favor. If you memorize econ problems and situations, you might as well go sit in the corner and feed the ducks.:wackit: Econ is valuable, learn it well. The fact that most idiots in this country don’t understand economics is the reason we keep voting fucktards into office.

welcome to the college world. I know for me this time around (3rd year) I cut back my hours slightly at one job. So I got 14 hours of school a week and 30 hours at one job (was around 43 a week) and in whatever other time I run my own business. I can still handle it but if I start to sink I cut back hours and hit more books.

Last year I did about 70 hours a week working 2 jobs and full time student= failed 2 classes and got a B,C in the other. It wasnt worth it.

Lest we forget, these are the same morons sinking said economy with inablility to handle credit responsibly, and can’t even manage to balance a checkbook. While there are some classes you may not use later in life, some are INDISPENSIBLE, and a strong grasp on them will do nothing but pull you up whatever ladder you choose. These are long-term investments, make it count.

thank u all that offered to help me if i get stuck.
