Do you have any tatoos?

what the fuck does it matter.

You still think high school football means somthing.

i have my social security number across my chest… have to have it removed because of hippa though :hs:

Im not sure whether to be angry at you post whores or feel relieved that you accept me enough to wh0re up my thread as good as your own.

i think tats like yours r cooler than detailed pics. i dont have any right now, but if i do i want just black and a design, rather than a pic. i drew one up that i might get on the back of my neck / shoulders dedicated to my dad. its about 6 inches wide, but i want to make sure its perfected before i actually get it.

I got my jester as soon as I graduated. I got it to remind me it was do or die time for my future. Long long story. The picture of the jester itsself is form a game I used to play and I choose it due to it not looking like the typical satanic looking jesters out there plus I liked the colors.

The Dragon as you can see deals with the fire department and was drawn by the guy who does all my work Jared at Bodyworks. He also drew up the tribal. Both were explained to him what I wanted and he drew them up.

Very cool. Im sorry if you felt you had to explain yourself to me. I didnt mean to come across as rude or anything. I like tats like that, they just arent for me. At least yours mean something to you. Half the people I meet and ask about their rose/clown/dragon/whatever dont have a reason. Most just say they thought it would look cool.

I was gonna get my soc. on my arm with my barcode. I decided that may not be a good idea if I ever have to re-arrange my identity or something, haha. I opted for all 0’s instead. I am up to 3 right now. I know I’m a flabby fatty but here are mine:

barcode on my left arm
tribal scorpion on my right arm
Decepticon logo (from the transformers) on my chest

no offence just thought I would explain why I have them… :smiley:

Same here. I can’t draw though so I had someone else do it. I’m trying to get someone to draw my next one, but no one wants to. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:


I found someone

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: thanks Shag, but no thanks.

I have a tat on my wrist


heres my new ones (ill be adding more later)

I have a tattoo but Eurodad won’t let me show it…

Dooo Eeeeeet

NO! :bash:

what and where then?