DOA ...the movie

i shit u not they made a movie based on teh “dead or alive” fighting game *sigh .
first mortal combat , then street fighter …now this , i mean it looks horrible just from the movie stills alone lol .

yet another good game wrecked by weak movie producers. when will the madness end. i mean if it was made better i would be happy but this just looks corny. :S only thing good about it i think is devon aoki :R

note: not hating on all weak producers maybe these guys are just starting out

edit: nvm these people directed transporter… T_T

i’ll watch it for the hot chicks, lol

lol see all the game movies look alike teh way they are made… i think every movie should look like this this is bad ass!!

this clip makes u wanna go see it im there for sure lol

movie looks like what it is, a video game movie… really, how many oscar nominated game movies have you ever seen ??? none… games simply make for entertainment on the big screen… just like the games themselves. Seriously, who’s going to put out millions just to set up a screenplay for a target market of gamers… no one.

so enjoy it the flick… I know I will … I’m going for the girls kicking butt. Jamie Preisly and Devon Aoki doing mad Bushido… can’t get much better then that. Jamie was a NCAA champion Gymnast and Devon’s Father was an Olympic ( boxer I think but it might be karate, hard to tell in translation) Don’t know a thing about the rest but that’s pretty good heritage for at least two of them.

[QUOTE=Blade;1143]only thing good about it i think is devon aoki :R/QUOTE]

hmm… very true