They made Farcry into a movie? wtf?!

it looks amazingly horrible

turning games to film is common things these days.

Resident Evi, Silent Hill, Hitman, etc, etc. Max Payne if I remember correctly. Those are just off the top of my head. Lest we forget the awesomeness of the final fantasy movies :retardclap

GAY. i remember playing farcry in like 05 i think? or when ever it came out. beat it quick then went back with immunity and the ragdoll cheat. Good times… lol

They’ve been doing those for a while; mario bros, mortal combat, doom, tomb raider, resident evil, silent hill, alone in the dark, streetfighter, dead or alive… Most of these are garbage, always have been. Another trend they picked up is making anime into films, those will probably be even worse.

The films weren’t that good (second was outright retarded) but I appreciate the work that went into the first one;

(more here)

This guy did a lot of the matte painting for it, I can only hope to be as good someday.

doom was good, tomb raider was good cuz of jolie :smiley: , and resident evil was great too,

so dont be hatin on movies based on games… better than games based on movies !!!

Doom was NOT good Singh. You cracka.

Resident Evil movies I do really like though.

Tomb Raider could have been better. By a lot.

Silent Hill just made me feel more stupid by the time it was over.

I refused to see Hitman because I still think Jason Statham (The Transporter) should have been Hitman.

singh ur crazy…doom was horrible and really dissapointed me. No movie based on games has really been any good. Far cry wAs an awsome game …im still playing the second one even though it has nothing to do with the first one. The movie really doesnt look like it will be all that good but who knows ill prolly see it anyways.

LOVED the first one only for its awsome rendering on the image that was portrayed in the game. FFVII is my fav, also what the movies based off of. other than that didnt really like the story line, but thats just me.

I thought Spirits Within had nothing to do with any of the games?

Among other things, look at those pics you posted. its the EXACT backdrop to FF7.

Tomb Raider was a pretty damn good movie, also the thing that turned me onto H&K firearms, haha. Tis a sad thing they discontinued the Match line of the USP’s :frowning:

yea, well i thought doom was cool, just too short of a movie

BUT WHATEVER SHADyyyyyyyyyyyyy

farcry 2 just came out to the OP who said/thinks only farcry 1 was released

Yeah but far cry 2 has nothing to do with the first one

they only used the far cry name to get it to sell more, i was very dissapointed by that… but none the less its a fun game

and doom wasnt just short… the acting sucked… the first person bullshit at the end of the movie killed it.

ahaha wow thats funny cuz i thought the first person part was actually really cool

oh well ! i still think it was a good movie dooood

anyways yea i know farcry 2 doesnt ahve anything to do with farcry 1 but i dont know the story lines on either game, so this movie is for the 1st or the 2nd farcry ?

ACTUALLY i dont care LOL fuck it…