Silent Hill

The Movie

i am a HUGE Silent hill fan. i played and beat all the games…

whoa, that does look sweet.

HUGE fan of silent hill too, got every game of the series. i heard about the movie a few months ago. it’s coming out a lot sooner than i thought it would. hopefully it will turn out good.

:word: im entering the movie poster contest.

that looks badass :tup:

Silent Hill the game STILL gives me nightmares. :frowning:

lol same here… that shit is scary (fatal frame is just as bad imo).

I mean, it would be one thing if you walked faster than .000005 mph but when you got mad peeps on your ass and your just gimping along, that just aint right lol

cant wait to see the movie though :slight_smile: looks awesome

a little o/t: currently playing resident evil 4… so badass :tup:

:word: :tup: I love the zombies swearing ins Spanish " Que carajo haces aqui? largate Cabron!!!

Silent Hill movie looks amazing

lol what does it translate to? how far along are you? I’m just past the church heading to the rendevous point with the chopper that got shot down

according to another site, it means:

What the fuck are you doing here? get out of here asshole

“What the fuck are you doing here? get the fuck out, mother fucker”

lol…not too far, I just started

LOL at you guys freaked out by a game haha…pussys. I wanna play it, i never have, but i dont think id be scared…im afraid of nothing.

I dare you play it by yourself with the lights off :ohnoes: :crap:

And the sound cranked up. :meh:

werd lol… the anticipation sometimes is worse than actually seeing anything on screen. Shit is intense lol

Jeg, go pickup Fatalframe for xbox/ps2 and jam on that with the lights out and the sound cranked up lol

… i got scared by doom 3… not gonna lie…


headphones + 2am + no lights = demon heads scaring the fuck outa me

Fatal frame made my shite myself on several occasions. Even whe ghosts weren’t popping out at you it was scary to just see them run by behind you. I actually wont play that alone anymore.


people who havent played the games would prolly think the movie looks pretty bland when watching the trailer. i think it looks pretty decent

I only played a demo for the last Silent Hill. It was pretty scary from what I could tell. I want to try the rest of the games. As for the movie, I would definately check it out.