not nearly as much fun this time around, drats
{Michael Brown} Thank you for visiting Liberty Dodge. I am Michael Brown, a live person here to ensure you have a great online shopping experience.
How may I help you today?
{Liberty Dodge} Im curious as to the specifications on the charger srt-6, can you help me with that ?
{Michael Brown} What specifics are you looking for?
{Michael Brown} By the way, my name is Michael Brown. May I ask with whom I am speaking?
{Liberty Dodge} Im John, nice to meet you
{Liberty Dodge} horsepower ratings, 1/4 mile time, skidpad specs specificly
{Michael Brown} Please excuse me for a moment while I check on that for you.
{Michael Brown} Was there a specific year of the SRT-6 you were looking for specifics on?
{Liberty Dodge} 2008 or 2009, either works
{Michael Brown} Ok one moment please.
{Liberty Dodge} be right back, my cats eating my cheeseburger…
{Michael Brown} I do apologize but for some reason our system isn’t showing this information.
{Liberty Dodge} odd, i just saw one at the grocery store yesterday
{Michael Brown} I can have my Internet Sales Manager contact you with these details as soon as possible. May I have your full name, phone number, and email address?
{Liberty Dodge} it seamed like a good alternative to the charger srt8
{Liberty Dodge} John Pikard, (716) 872 4483,
{Michael Brown} Thanks John.
{Michael Brown} Is there anything else I may assist you with today?