trust me…. half the kids that were at ECC when i was for auto didn’t know the difference between a phillips and a flat head.
Come on. Everyone knows phillips is a light bulb and a flat head is an engine. Nice try captain SuckerMeIn.
well played good sir.
They could of donated them to museums. Win win!
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They could of donated them to museums. Win win!
Plenty of useful parts, plus a running viper engine coupled to a T-56… hard to not want them.
I like this. :tup: but they could have dumped them on some middle eastern nations for a decent price, they would still put them on the road. Think of how many stolen vehicles wind up out there without legit papers.
Never been to ECC huh?
we had a Viper in the shop at college too. It was just a dust collector that always had a dead battery.
A guy I work with, his best friend crushed one with 28 miles on it. And to answer whoever asked
" would yourself want a viper that ecc kids touched?"
Yes. Yes I would. Ls2+ twins.