Does .999999 = 1 vPOLL

I would think people that work on cars would immediately realize that if it’s not 1, then it’s not 1. If your car could do the 1/4 in 11.999999999 there’s no way in HELL you’d round that up and call it 12. You’d say you run in the 11s. :slight_smile: Right?

I don’t get these kinds of threads.

It’s not subjective. This is freakin’ math here. Any number is what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

Are these threads created simply in hopes that someone will just say “yep, that’s what it is, 1?”

What’s the confusion supposed to be? “Close enough?” If I had .999999 million dollars, I wouldn’t be a millionaire. I’d need another dollar. Sure, it’s only $1 away from an even million, but I wouldn’t have a whole million.