.9999~ = 1?

1/3 = .3333 repeating, right?

2/3 = .6666 repeating, right?

So does that mean

1/3 + 2/3 = 1?

.3333 + .6666 = .9999

So how does .9999 = 1?

I don’t understand. Lettuce discuss.

.999 != 1

.999… == 1

round .33333 repeated to .333
round .66666 repeated to .667

add them = 1

.33333 is not the actual value of 1/3 since its impossible to see the actual value of 1/3 as a decimal.

same with 1/6

But that’s rounding them off. We’re talking .3333 repeating, and .6666 repeating.


well what’s the answer?

link to thread?

u cant see the actual value since it goes on to infinity, so u cant concretely say either way

No, you can say. It does equal 1. It’s the magic of limits.



Thus, if you are going to assign a value to .9999… (going on
forever), the only sensible value is 1.

There is nothing special about .999… The idea that 1/3 = .3333…
is the same. None of .3, .33, .333333, etc. is exactly equal to 1/3,
but with each 3 added, the fraction is closer than the previous
approximation. In addition, 1/3 is the ONLY number that the series
gets arbitrarily close to.

are you TRYING to start drama?..

Me? No, I haven’t posted anything dramatic since…well…you. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for anyone else, ask them. All I know is this shit is interesting to me.

no it doesnt. It will get infinitally closer to 1 but never reach it.

just post your fresh prince bullshit …

Why? It’s a math problem I was legitimately curious about.

Only correct if you terminate the expansion of the number. As long as it continues to infinity, it is simply another representation of 1/1. Like .3333… is a representation of 1/3.

no…im talking about the thread… like the airplane/treadmill thread…its just an arguefest…lol

At least with the airplane thread it obviously made quite a few people think a bit. Even with the surrounding drama, I figure it’s worth it for the 5 or 10 people who fired up the thinker a bit…

Plus, hell, it’s winter. What else are we going to do other than bicker over the internet about soem stupid hypothetical?

fuck u fuck u fuck u…:)… -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8========================D <—me

okay im done… excuse me im tired… last week of school SUCKS

Fuck you harder, with an infected dick!