I bet this guy smiled...

No they weren’t driven on the track, I’ll be there this summer if all goes well.

I don’t want to get into a Gran Turismo discussion, and whether or not it’s lifelike and what have you, but I have a fair bit of experience with that, and can rank within the Top 100 in almost any car, on any track (time trial or drift). I play with a 6 speed Logitech G25. Say its not real, but Formula 1 drivers, D1 drivers, and road & track and the like drivers all play Gran Turismo for practice, and to learn a car/track before heading out for the real thing. Gran Turismo’s realism is a whole other discussion, I just wanted to point out that I do have some experience.

Any time I drive a FWD game in Gran Turismo, I just get frustrated and end the race. Of course thats not real life, and nothing replaces real track time. However, until this summer, I haven’t had the car or money to go to the track (was planning on going with my “ugly” Sil80 last year, until my insurance crapped out).

On the chance that you DON’T bash me for claiming to be good at Gran Turismo (blah blah its just a video game, I’ve already heard that), you can come on over and we can hit the track, in any car. Then, when we’re done, if you still want to bash me as a driving noob, I’m all for it.

My buddy who used to have an S13 with a CA now has an Integra, and kicks himself EVERRRYDAY. He will admit the Integra does pretty well, and his Integra is probably faster than my 240 in acceleration – but in terms of driving experience, he hates it. He had to sell his 240 for financial reasons, but now he’s looking for one again. He’s sick of the Integra.

To the guy that posted the Probe drag times, WHO CARES? I hate drag! I’m not going to sit here and tell you its gay, or some other immature shit, but I do not care about drag. I also don’t care ONLY about how fast my car accelerates. Sure my Kouki is slow as shit in a straight line, but I don’t care!

And ya, I’ve thought about powder coating the Battles in lime green or pink. Will probably keep them bronze for a year or 2 though.

Now I better put on my flamesuit. :smiley: