What TCC thinks of 240s

As taken from TCC:


gotta be a member to see the thread.

and its true, we do bash them quite often.

To quickly sum up all the posts; seems like most TCC members are pretty mature about things.

Moral of the thread?:
I think 240 owners here on SON should stop judging anyone who drives a FWD car, especially a Civic.

You drive a civic, don’t you Mark?

driving a civic, a maxima, a sunfire, or a cobalt, is the same thing if your just daily driving, no one makes fun of a kid who drives a STOCK 91 sunfire… but as soon as somone puts a set of rims or an intake on their civic, everyone snaps, like cars cant be project cars… when you build a car, do you take a 30g loan and finish it in 2 weeks and then bring it out on the street… no most people do things here and there, and then this and that, and finish 2-3 years later - i know the first thing i did to my zenki 6 years ago was paint the rear spoiler black… on a gold car… i thought it looked good, i painted my stock 4 lug se wheels black with polished lip… trust me… fucked up things happen lol , if anyone on this forum had taste like they do now, there car would have been baller from day one, which it wasnt lol

i agree with you on this. there is way too much hate for civics.

but son will never be mature, its just the way it is.

yeah mark
all this because you drive a civic.

Gay. You can’t drift civics. :stuck_out_tongue:


This is true.

Although, they do try…some of them.


lol i remeber signing up for these a while ago… i like civics especially eg and eks but thats about it… its just the majority is rice…but ive seen civics that will run some 240s on the boards.

EK K20 Race Prepped. BAD FUCKING ASS!!! I want to build one someday, so badly!


mark i thot you knew the difference between drifting

Between drifting and what? :stuck_out_tongue:


i tell my honda BOYZ vtech is a mith, lol u should hear them after. It’s like starting a fire in a fire department…so learn from my mistake, and dont do this. lol.

Vtech is a Phone company

lol^^ true true

VTECH’s are also laptops for kids :stuck_out_tongue:
