Awww Shit! It's a 240! Impress some bitches and Start Drifting !!

This shit is wack. Ever get the feeling someone is watching you? I guess some guys girls had a thing for an S14, or maybe (probably associated it with drifting). because they kept looking at my car gob struck. Whatever, it’s just an S14. I guess the boyfriend or whoever the fuck the tool was had to show me what was up by leaving The Tim’s and doing a burn out in front of me. I tried to shrug it off until he had to go drift his parents BMW near me. Awww shit it’s a 240, better start drifting, he’ll be impressed dawg! Wrong! Go ge fucked, with all of your nanny’ assists and crash like the other tool that thought he had to show me how jdm tight he could take his SUV through a turn, and fucked his parents ride.

Or the guy with the 240 hatch (some JDMR guy) doing fail drifting in the Tim’s. Is it that hard to just wait two minutes to go somewhere else? Why do you guys shit in my goddamn backyard? This bullshit is why I am being profiled more. And if it’s not this crap it’s Vdub guys with fail peel outs, or Honda guys showing me how tight VTEC is. Does anyone have any common sense anymore? I’m not impressed by this shit. This is seriously happening every single day, and I want to take a tire iron to every single one of you and do what your parents should have done a long time ago and beat some common sense into you, because clearly, a lot of people need it.

I hate what 240’s have become in the mainstream.

/end rant

you mad

xD but seriously…I hear yeah, but it’s always been the same. From back in the 60s there have always been punks looking to race and show off, don’t think it’s gonna end anytime soon. Also I must say, it may be your car that attracts more attn from these types. Just ignore them, life’s too short to get upset over these peoples.

ya, I know what you mean, it gets annoying after awhile. I just got a kouki, just enjoying the car since it is my first car, I take it out on a stroll, around my neighborhood. people do some stupid shit around my car. my car isn’t a looker by any means, but it still brings out the inner retards in people. mostly civic guys…how i hate civics

Don’t like it, sell your car and buy a bike. It will just about always happen so better just get used to it.

Same boat as you.

Their 240’s. There cheap boxes. I don’t know why when MOST kids driving civics or ANY of their parents cars for that matter; see me, they think there dsjfds

fuck it im to tired to rant.

relax travis lol. Just be happy that more and more of these cars are being scrapped off the streets making your car more rare.

I’m white, i don’t get pulled over.


I have a Kouki as well and get “Is that a Skyline bro?” at least once a week.

On that note, I need to go for a ride and check out your RB25 one day!

feint… they do it… cause your driving around in a nice looking s14 :smiley:

i drove my rhd s13 around for about 4 month and never had any honda, or vw kids doing that shit around me… hum… maybe because i had a drift king sticker on my trunk beside the silvia badge lol
but hey… if i ran into you when i had my s13… i would of been doing donuts around your car to get your inner retardism going :smiley:

Get a 4 dr. This never happens to me.

But seriously, it’ll never go away, get used to it as it will probably only get worse.

LOL at the Vdub peel outs. I’m not even driving my car and have people do stupid shit up and down my street when they see it. The new breed of 2010 Lancer owners that think it’s an Evo are the worst. Always attempting something retarded when they see me, with or without the car. FML

Here’s the thing: I came across 240’s and the whole drifting business nearly a decade ago. It’s something I have wanted to enjoy for many years as a few of you know, and don’t like seeing it tarnished. I have no problem with this stuff done in the right place, but it hardly seems to be. It’s always in my backyard, and that’s not cool. I feel the urge to want to shred tires and kick it out just as much as anyone else, but I don’t do it in busy parking lots; I won’t shit in your backyard out of respect and common sense.

I guess what really irks me is that I saw how things were before drifting, watched it grow down south, and then saw Craig Lieberman monopolize on it, along with NFS, and saw how misconstrued the image of these cars became in the main stream. Drifting is the best and worse thing to happen.

I’m not a 4 dr guy. I do what an FD or an R34 in 5 years though.

True. Throw a gt30 on the rb25 and be happy.

this is why you get bothered…


Its only you douchebros in woodbridge and sauga and shit.

and Who cares
I think its fucking halarious when asshats pull up and do something stupid… its entertainment…

I think most people would be ammused by some one trying to show off and ends up damaging there car or getting booked…

Yea just laugh at them no need to get all mad and shit…

even for someone who drives a fucking civic, i get it every now and then. and sometimes it’s from people in m3’s and souped to shit tsx’s. it’s like me trying to race a 4 door tercel with a pizza sign on the roof.
people do it all the time and are just stupid, and feel the need to prove how much bigger they think their dick is. i agree with everyone else: watch them, laugh at them, continue on with your day.

Its funnier when people complain about other people complaining. Your so distraught over potential entertainment. No matter what you try, the image of what our scene is in an officers mind will ALWAYS be the same and there is nothing you can do to change it. Suck it up, live with it, and stop complaining. Those idiots doing w.e they’re doing are keeping the attention off of you for the moment, so utilize it.

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks…

Not really. I drive my car nearly every day. Sometimes I want to extend an offer to show someone some enjoyable cruising roads. Regardless of whether anyone wants to go or not I will still go for a nice cruise like I pretty much do every single day. What trivial point were you even trying to make.? I’m an enthusiast, I drive and give too much of a shit about cars. I will also extend a hand to anyone if possible for the love of the game.