Trying to "drift" downtown is not cool

At about 2:30-3:00am, what looked to be 4-6 240s (some on this board) tried to do some sliding action while turning around at the queen and spadina intersection.

Im not one to preach BS about safety and stuff but you guys looked like idiots. There were ppl that were drunk everywhere on the street and you guys were trying to going full throttle around that corner (most of you plowing), there were cops parked a block away too. What motivates you guys to do this?

Secondly, everyone was laughing and shouting at all the cars, it kinda made me embarrased to own a 240, even my friend was like I bet those ass clowns are a part of your car club. If you wanna go fast take it to the outskirts of the city. Dont go hauling around downtown.



what cars were they?

thats just pure stupidity

also keep in mind that whinos and crackheads also walk on the street, or can walk out in front of your car unaware because they’re all cracked out. if you injure or kill one of them, you’re responsible. it’s best not to pull stunts like that in the city, especially when pedestrians are around.

temp. ban the identified cars

this is the shit thats gunna make modifying cars a big corp activity in the future.

provateers are gunn have no rights or privalegdes to do what we do once there taken away from us.

any 240sx that goes through dt will be picked on.

Ya and I wonder why cops seem to like me :frowning:

dt toronto roads are so shit … i dun think anyone would drive fast on them…

lol last night at 1am while walking to my car with “DuckJai” i heard a turbo golf rip it 1,2,3rd gear… all u hear is his tires continually slipping… golfster is also wreckless… golf problably wuld be 130km something? on 50km road lol…

anyways toronto roads are too bumpy and potholes to even drive normally without busting a shock… i dun think many wuld be drifting on that kinda road

Im not going to mention who it was. Thats not really what this is about. Its about being reckless on the streets.

Actually making the names public will help to solve this problem… humiliation and the contempt of peers is a powerful tool when it comes to reinforcing the fact that you’ve done something unacceptable within the community, YOU protecting them is the same as YOU condoning their actions.

post the damned names. Tolerance of BS like this is unacceptable.


////\ agreed i was driving downtown last week at night and just getting around is a big enough problem as it is. people just walk across the street whenever and if you hit them you are fucked… mad crowded as well so why try to be dorifto king in the middle of t.o. fags were prob trying to recreate Tokyo drift…

i was at downtown late last night and i saw a white s13 hatch with a bodykit… dont know if its one of them… good thing i just got a ride with my buddy’s subaru… i could have joined THEM… NOT !!!
i agree with KoukiS14… they shoudn’t do stupid things where a lot of drunks and cops are around… now every cop will pick on 240s :frowning:

hey what a coincidence, i was downtown last night but not around that time, i was probably home passed out by then. s14s?

and ya i was also there with lucid last night. left downtown at 1. i hate downtown roads, so shitty. even if i had the opportunity to slide i wouldnt want to.

my suspension feels like it would break

i think its kinda bad ass

to bad they sucked…

hahah chilling

cops notice hondas for a reason. cause honda drivers brought the attention to themselves and the scene.

i know which guys you speak of, its kinda sad cause your not going to win a trophy and no one thinks your the coolest guy in the city because you can drive a car, most of the people in that area dont even know what drifting is or a nissan 240.

bottom line responsibility comes with age.

If only this statement were true.