Trying to "drift" downtown is not cool

+1, I know 18 year olds who have way more keys in their brain than most 28 year olds

^^ Exactly.

It’s an ignorant stereotype at best.

i know plenty of mid 20 year old who are complete retarded immature

including myself

being mature is damn lame

agreed, if ur gonna be stupid like that go buy a honda, they already have the rep for that kind of shit ull fit right in

if your going to drive like that take it to a secluded area or the skirts of town

doing things in a downtown area is just non sense. its a plea to get caught.

and then you know what every single one of them would do if they got caight in a downtown area…

“fuck man, cops are just picking on me cuz i got a modified car”

instead of thinking “fuck, what was i thinking, i cant complain tho because i was putting people lives in danger”

lol…its funny cuz its true, but that a side very well said

If I start getting harassed by cops in my 240 cuz a buncha lammo wanna be drifter punks are giving 240’s a bad rep I’m going to explode. Someone find out who did it and whoop their asses tie them to the back of a car and drag them around while drifting. Sweet Irony will cause pain and teach lessons a fine or ban never could.

no need for wupass

people just gotta be educated. these types of displays are exactly whats going to give that lady all the supoprt she needs to have the “suspiscion of street racing” bill passed.

were all tuners here, most of us do this because its a hobby.

soon enough tho, tuning is going to become a corporate hobby.

i already see this trend starting to happen.

the laws are going to make it so that only those A) making a living off selling or displaying performance parts or B) those with deep enough pockets to afford it (corporate heads) will be able to modifiy vehicles freely without being harrased.

my 2 cents

so yeah, lets post names…

lol no one can post names … only KoukiS14 saw them… and unless he knows them theres no telling who drives what 240s

i wish i was drifting

hahahahaaa avery

street drifting is only cool if you’re in japan and you’re all drifting through an intersection altogether…

…and then the yakuza comes and tries to bash your car.

no then you get busted get a 2 year license suspension and $4000 fine…

but that’ll never happen here so keep acting like a bunch of typical teenagers

lol too much jdm insider videos for u mr fob

Its stupid to do things like that espically if you dont know what your doing…like you said they went full trottle going into a corner like its a race track is really stupid… i dont think theres anything the club can do about it though i mean…its each persons right to do what they want i guess…if people want to crash there cars and be idiots then its there fault and they will have smashed up cars an cops bugging them all the time …people just dont get it take it to the track to drift and you will have way more fun and learn faster…mind you having fun in a big parking lot at 1 am is fine with me…but dont do it on roads …with other cars…ect…

trust… I learned the hard way… One day before I was going to store it for the winter…actually the night It was going in thinkin might as well have fun one more time.Open Diff…rain…Bald Tires…70km/h…3rd redline wheelspin… 16th Ave… = New Fender,New Bumber Cover, New Headlight + $800. THere were no other cars on the road tho… if your gonna do stupidness and risk your life make sure your not riskin other people’s. Trust its not worth it.

I dont know who the people were exactly, Im sure some of them are on the board. It doesnt really matter though.

I dont want this to turn into a who dunnit thread. I just wanted to the ppl involved know that they were being idiots and to refrain from that behaviour next time. I live downtown and my car is already a target. Last thing we all need is more discrimination from the cops. Unfortunately these types of acts are what elevate the problem.

I understand everyone wants to go out and have fun, I do too but in the middle of a busy intersection is not the place nor the time.

It also hit close to home. I watched ppl standing around laughing and yelling at these cars and I was embarrased hence why I made this post.

Im sure the parties involved have read the messages so theres really no need to continue on.

also the fact of the matter is that all this is true in a general statement, BUT in this case it was late at night and i don’t know because i wasent there but say they were pulling a u-turn or something and with the exhaust screaming and so on and so forth it could have looked like an attempt to drift. bottom line is that if you are in the country where there is no1 then giver hell, but not on city streets, i agree. but in this matter. it is possible you are wrong so no need to try to make an ass out of everyone and maybe even yourself by tossing around names like a cheap whore. lets leave it at doing this shit is stupid and reckless and should not be done.

the end.

I think I was the white hatch all shaved with the body kit buddy seen. But I was driving to a tee since I was leaving a club and don’t need the cops pulling me over.

That’s the kind of shit my buddy with a honda does, tries to drift intersection downtown, part of the reason why he pays $640 a month for insurance, and is on his 3rd set of rims.

I have yet to see many modded 240s on the road nvm 240 being stupid, but I like the lack of attention from the cops, and hope it stays that way.

i drive probably the biggest Honda magnet AROUND no joke!!! Cops love me… but at first i was an idiot like those people, but i think what turned me to be very responsible is the fact of how easy it is to get caught. Just think of it, u decide for 2 seconds to just let her rip a cop can turn out at any time and ur scrud…

i don’t mind when ur in the middle of no where at 3am and doing shit like that. Just think how easy it is for u to f’up… im sure people can paint u a nice picture…

Here Example!!!

even the best make mistakes so don’t use excuses like u know how to drift.