drifting in toronto...

so… are there any places left where you can drift without getting caught ? all the places i know are hot crawling with cops now, and street drifting just isnt worth it, curbs are too much of a risk, in the winter its ok but when its dry pavement, where can you go… any ideas ?

I rest my case…

You should be banned…

ur drive way is a good idea,

“hey guys anyone know of a good bank i can rob?
anybody know where i can find a random person to murder in cold blood? well the cops dont look to kindly on that kind of stuff so u know where i could do it with out getting caught,?”- now i hope u realize that i sounded like a retard when i posted that , so now take how retarded u thought i was and multiply it by 10, and thats about how retarded i think u are for asking a question on a board that u know is watched by cops

i love how people think SON is infested with cops waiting for us to disclose some streetracing location :lol: :roll:

well, id say less infested and more combed through every so often…
i mean, its obvious that cops are on every single performance boardish idea

but stilll… never hurts to be careful

oh, and i heard its good to drift downtown!.. :roll:

im a cop you idiot. oh and i know a good place, its right at college st. and younge

LoL! College & Yonge is nice and all, but there’s a wicked place that’s actually near-er to Dundas & Yonge. It’s called the Ryerson Quad lol

i highly doubt the police waists their time on son reading posts like,

whos the biggest gino


how to install an altornator in my 1990 ka24e 240sx

they spend their time on forums like TSR, OSR, ontario performance ect, toronto street scene ect.

ontop of that there are only 6 registed cops on tsr.

good god this thread is retarded.