Drift Spots

Ok heres the deal i know all u drift junkies out there have there own little private spots to get there drift on … So what i want to know his where is ur favorite spot … i know i have a few spots that have plenty of open area to mess around in but not enough directions to go … So if ur not against street drifting just post ur spots out there because i know i want to find more spots

post your spots so the cops can roll by and charge you with dangerous driving under the CCC.

hahahah thats what i was gonna say! lmao

yeah don’t be stupid and make threads like this and ruin the reputation of Son240sx.

The the only drift spot that I can suggest is the track…

Manjiing down the 401 is my personal drift spot.

^^ I like the 403 better…

much smoother pavement :wink:

hahaha i thought so

well then i have a spot to post… theres a place over by fishermen drive im pretty sure thats known lol ya coppers if ur reading this fishermen drive ill see u there

Are you really this stupid or is this some sort of really bad joke?

I’m gunna go out on the limb here and say the first option. If you didnt get the hint with the first few posts, we dont care where you drift and those who have secure spots are not sharing them, and definatly not posting them on a public forum.

yo’, so I had to gat dis fool yesterday, he’s stinking up ma’trunk, ya’heard,

anyone know any good places to dump a body? fo’real fo’real

ya’heard…?..seen… or scene?

^^part out?

who needs a spot to drift… might as well go to the track if your going to a spot.

just keep it old school and slide n’ hide.

slide n hide. and if you get caught tell the cop your just learning to drive standard, they’ll understand

like when u slide a corrner in your full size pickup? and tell him your learning how to drive stick… then get home and relise you have drift ops stickers all over the truck??

Oh my.

That made my night. holy fuck.

Someone created new spot at the Science Centre north lot LOL. I couldn’t see the car but is definitely was an SR.

oh man, new catch phrase…lol

with all the tracks not allowing drift anymore what can anyone expect other than having it taken to the streets.

i’ve been very seriously considering it myself… unfortunately, there is nowhere safe enough and then there is that whole being a father thing that makes me not want to get arrested anymore. funny how that works.

summer time… been watching too many horror movies.

the eye was terrible I just finished it… =(

i agree with that statement cause its so true (coming from being a father for 2 years and 5 months).

no more going clubbing and doing all the fun fun stuff.

i feel old…