can some one tell me where?

:drivin :hmm can someone tell me where where is a good place in Toronto to practice drifting (except race tracks) so that cops wont bather me?

lolololol. i dont want to be rude but alot of people who have spots value them shits more then gold. just snooparound. find something deep away that the sounds of rubber wont be killin ears.

i hope no one will flame you for the post but good luck finding a spot. btw …There is now free drift events LOL!

^^^^^^^^so true

if you really want to practice you have to go out of the city, late at night to industrial areas, you may want to take spotters,with walkies,just incase, yea and if you can spend money on the gas, there are free events starting to happen on a regular,i hope!!!

I’m not incouraging you, just so every one here knows.

In all honesty…if you live in toronto just keep it on the track…specially with all the recent hype on street racing. If you got caught i wouldnt be surprised if they totally grilled you.

but on the other hand i dont really care…do what you want, but just go and and find your own spot. Ill be dambed if i tell you mine lol

just find an industrial zone late at night and make a course out of it.

for the safty and all of people specially in toronto keep it at the a city as busy as toronto if you go crazy around street corners somone is bound to walk in your way or you might end up hiting somone or somthing. so just keep posted on the forums for drift/track events and come attend thos, some are free some cost 50 to 75 dls but thats cheaper than somones life or a ticket… this way you can also meet everyone and as question on how to drift they will help you with tips and tricks. and is alot safer specially fi you are just learning how to. you need to know your car well and what it can and canot do as well as the driver. your not in a movie or video game you can really hurt yourself or others. Come attend an event no one will make fun of you we dont own hondas. we arent pricks.


thanx for the tip guys! FTMFW :R

your about 3 years too late…all the good spots are swarmed with cops now. street dori was soo good years ago…:frowning: