Awww Shit! It's a 240! Impress some bitches and Start Drifting !!

Welcome to world, 99.999% of the people are stupid, and you can’t change that. The bigger problem is not the fact that they are doing that, but the fact that it is getting to you. Let it go unnoticed.

Eh the first thing I always get asked “Do you have an SR?”

Fucking tripple face palm

I also had a lady honk the hell out of her car and chasing me on the highway (seriously) pulling her window down and screaming I’m like wtf??? I pull down my window and she goes “I GOT THE SAME CAR!!!” and gave me thumbs up all smiling… LOL… epic

It’s 'cause she realized how cool you were.

Whats wrong with people asking you if you have an sr20? Wait you must want them to ask you if you got an uber cool stock KA24 under the hood or an LS1… you should be happy they even know what an SR is!!

SR? Is that like, some kind of JDM engine code for Senior? Is that an old-type engine that 240’s come with, or something? What’s an SR? :stuck_out_tongue:

oh man… i wish im that banana

Cuz its the most retarded question I get. It’s not a car if it’s not an SR’d car. JDm yo.

The even more shocking and perplexing thing is when I say no and I don’t plan to get that motor the horror ensues, because you know an SR is a must.

I think the most retarded question regarding a 240 is do you drift it? Why not man its soo cool?

hahaha, yeah this is something that will never stop. The trick is to find the humour in it. Every summer this happens to me so it’s almost white noise now.

For example - I’m coming home from work around 5am on a Saturday morning and passed this civic and I was just cruising home… I guess he thought me driving by him at a 100kmh on 401 meant that I want to race because he kept pulling up next to me and trying to get my attention… I just had a good laugh and went home.

It’s kind of sad if you’re cruising the roads looking for someone to race because you think your car is ‘bad ass’ lol

I do that all the time.

“I wanna see him rip by…”



lol forgot about that one… 100% on the money. I get that asked too… and I’m like no I lap it… and they go what’s that LOL

When i get asked that, I reply “I drift a civic”

hater ^

240 owners think they are soooooooooo cool.

lol, mah bad.

are you questioning our coolness factor? hmmm?

I don’t know why ppl bitch about this? A parking lot would be a boring place if everyone just parked their cars. Do a burn out have some fun, its why less lame then running home to your computer and bitching about it to some ppl on the internet. “OMG some a hole just did a burn out right in front of me, can u believe that?!” (gay man voice)

I don’t know why people bitch about this stuff. Driveways would be so boring if people just used them as they were intended, and were decent and considerate. It’s almost 2 am, I am bored. Give me your address so I can come over and do a burn out with my RB screaming… Your drive way is disgustingly boring, I’m bored, and your neighbours (like everyone that parks in a boring parking lot) could use some entertainment.

Logic fail.

insert face palm picture

^^ who knows yo feint might be on a iphone lol

ps: yo feint fuck the driveway. do it in the garage with doors closed. makes the whole fucking house smells like dragrace scene lol lol lol