Does anyone else think this is wierd?

I have a good friend who is 21 shes good lookin and all but for some reason she thinks it completely fine to go to dinner and the sabres game with her 30 something year old single teacher. they went a while ago but because there were two other guys in the group she thought it was ok and not a teacher bringing her on a date. i told her she was an idiot for going the first time… now they are doing it again this friday same situation. Am i the only one that finds this wierd/ unappropriate?

you just wanna boink her huh?

no, i have before but we are just goof friends right now

Why is this a big deal?

he’s 30, she’s 21, there have been bigger differences.

is she currently in his class? Maybe it’ll get her an A lol. The teacher is most certainly in it for some pussy tho. She needs to not be so naive.

yes its a teacher she just got this semester, and hes somewhere in the 30’s

teacher wants to pound it

Eh, i don’t think it’s that weird.

ummm shes his student and he pays for her stuff by the way like food but tickets are free

Meh whatever man dudes just trying to get some dont hate. Like already stated i think you are just drank a tall glass of hatorade this morning. If it really bothers you so much i do have a rant thread available.

It’s not weird, and she’s not going to date you because you’re younger than her. Quit being jealous. You’re 19. Your 21 year old friend has no interest. Complaining about it on isn’t going to make her like you.

The only thing weird here is the lack of PICTURES!!!

^ here here.

I dunno my sister is 24 and her husband is like 40. Major age difference but he treats her awesome and takes care of her. Who cares about the age difference.


Maybe, shes failing and wants a better grade? :gotme:

Word i mean dude flip the situation here. Im 22 and if my 30 year old teacher was trying to get a piece id be all about it as long as she was attractive. I mean look at the benefits here free food, game, good grades. etc. Man this is like a win, win, win situation for her.

The only thing thats strange is you caring so much about what your ex slam piece is up to.

Sounds like a case of the jealouses to me.

The only thing more strange would be explaining to her why you posted this on a car forum.

teh teacher will lose his job. report him.

ok ill try to answer some questions, i know im 19 and shes 21 but she did want me for some time but i couldnt do it because she flirts way too much. im not complaining im asking other peoples opinions, and yes i know this is a car forum, but this is off topic, most things in here arent about cars at all. and atleast this isnt a i hate all girls thread and i tell u my whole life story about how bad girls treat me its a simple question. it looks like its half and half