Does anyone go to the Art Institute??

more then half of AiP consists of graphic design majors, so if your not above and beyond your pretty much screwed.


And let me add this, because I think its funny that ALOT of people now a days consider themselves “Artists” and or “Designers.” For one if your into art and can draw your already a step ahead in the game. For the reasons that you can’t teach talent, drawing is a talent, some people have it some people don’t. Now, not to point fingers but JOE you can draw pretty well, but you don’t even know how to work illustrator! So I don’t know where the hell you worked before but that’s a pretty huge negative already. Everything’s digital!

In my case for my major, you pretty much need to be the total package. You need to be able to design, code, video edit, sound development, write proposals, do documentation, photography the laundry list is endless. Im really sorry to hear that kids that graduate don’t have jobs, but it happens. This isn’t a unheard thing in any college, if you don’t have the drive to do something after your education your not going to go anywhere. Plus with the economy we have now, business’s are looking for designers that are the total package / not one-dimensional.