trucks will never go away, i would in a hearbeat take a C10 that was clean with a nice driveline, you say stripes…ok done in taste and to repicate the style of the 60s/70s can you guys do the same for your rides? answre is no. you joke about trucks, trucks will be here and always have a place in most ppl’s eyes compared to Rice…not saying all imports are rice at all but thats still around. ask anyone outside this little comunity and youll see they would rathre have something from yesteryears then a eco boxes and take pride in them… ppl buy these cars to comute and to dispose of. you wont see to many ppl drouling over a 72 civic [if they even made one] but garrenty youll have ppl busting nut trying to get their hands on a 72 truck or even a family car…family car as in chevelle or its cousins