Does anyone know anything about this car?

a 95 beratta was better then a 95 civic sorry

and now you bring up a truck i can do just about the same you can do in atruck as you do in a car plus i can do a few things more then a car. also in a wreck what would you rather be in? something with a frame sits higher and stronger or a low sitting cheap built eco box that will crumble…ill take my luck with a truck

how well does a eco box hold up to a 115mph wreck? theres a pick of sierra that wrecked at 115 and dude walked away. now do you think a civic own would live??? i highly doubt that…next

that cars pretty bad

HAHA, my co-worker likes that idea

In keeping this off-topic

Just an FYI, 95% or so of all honda swaps done are direct bolt in using all oem parts (or at least can be), no custom anything. The rest are either completely bolt in using aftermarket purchased mounts with little or no custom work required.

Swapped NA hondas run 14’s very easy, 13’s with a little work, 12’s with a little more, and 11’s if you go heavy modded. Vince ran 11’s all motor. My car made numerous passes in the mid to low 12’s all motor and there is at least one more 12 flat all motor honda on here.

Have you even ever looked at a civic interior compared to a same or comparable year GM product? I drove to wrok today in a 94 Lumina (wifes soon to be ditched car), the interior design and build quality is SHIT compared to a 94 civic or the 95 integra I usually drive.

Do you have a point here? The “classic” cars they show off are typically from the time they were young and either wished they could have owned those cars or else did own and drove the wheel off them. So of course they are not typically modifying a car that came out in their midlife that they have no attachment to. Funny thing is, tons of those people showing off their classic muscle cars park them during the week to drive their camry’s, accords, civics, etc and not mid nineties pieces of GM crap.

like i said…man points.

& your reading comprehension sucks…

1st of my point was you can’t compare…its like apple & oranges.

the civic & the beretta were in 2 different catagories…
compact vs. midsize.
& like i said…the civic was near the top of its class where the beretta was in the middle or lower of its class

& i brought up trucks to further make the point about different classes & needs of buyers

i don’t need to haul stuff, $40-50 gas fillups & shitty gas milage.
& something thats a pain in the ass to park …& don’t say cause i don’t know how to park…I drove a caddy for years that was bigger then your truck & when you live in the city & street park like i used to…its a pain to find spots for bigger cars…especially if you try to keep it nice by staying away from other who can’t drive/park

maybe you need a truck…i don’t…& vice versa

That beretta might be worth 7k if there was an LS1 swapped in there…I’d buy it then.

ok pissing match i seen a civic interior it reminds me of a interior out of a first gen saturn very cheap

its funny tho you wont see car shows in the future with these classic imports. its a fad that will pass one day

Wow…this got WAY off topic…and it all comes down to, everyone egrees that the car is ugly and not worth 7k correct??? how did we get to comparing it to Honda Civics???

X2 my wifes sisters 90something grandprix interior was ass.
& grandams were crappy too IMO.

its all personal preference/opionion.

all these cars have cheap interiors…if they were nice it wouldn’t be a econocar…

but IMO 90s pontiac interiors were some of the worst

as far as shows…who cares but
you’ll have just as much luck seeing berettas & trucks with racing stripes.

i like how you said about shitty MPG, stock 5.3 they stated around 18 for mine. i seen 21 on a highway trip. others have seen 25mpg but not around here. with my current setup ive seen 18mpg

now if you go off dodge lol or ford yes mileage sucks those are like 10 -14.

yes i may pay more to fill up my tank but if it lasts for 400 miles or so im fine with it.

and MPG is sweet but if you cant accell then youll mpg is going to get effected by lack of power. most bangers cant accel for shit especially in mergin lanes on the highways, or they have a hard time going up hills on the highway with cruise on without surging between gears…Torque rules in this department

and why go 4 banger when some v8s can see 30mpg?

and since when are trucks hard to park? not to much of a blind spot, some have good turning radius for their size, and usually have a thick sidewall incase you need to bump a curb.

so you would rather have a state of the art shit box compared to a lower status middle car?

and not saying everyone should have a truck at all, its all in what they want but im stating truck owners can do what car owners can do these days. most trucks to day are more user friendly then trucks of past days

Quickie I’m not sure how you have been paying attention…modifing Honda’s along with lots of other imports has been around for quite some time…do some research…its been over 15yrs. Either way the fad ( in your eyes ) has just begun. The market has been increasing year by year with every new model that arrives on the floor at the dealership companies are producing products to shall we call it “PIMP YO RIDE”…

easy when you got a civic owner talking about how much better a civic is then beretta

trucks will never go away, i would in a hearbeat take a C10 that was clean with a nice driveline, you say stripes…ok done in taste and to repicate the style of the 60s/70s can you guys do the same for your rides? answre is no. you joke about trucks, trucks will be here and always have a place in most ppl’s eyes compared to Rice…not saying all imports are rice at all but thats still around. ask anyone outside this little comunity and youll see they would rathre have something from yesteryears then a eco boxes and take pride in them… ppl buy these cars to comute and to dispose of. you wont see to many ppl drouling over a 72 civic [if they even made one] but garrenty youll have ppl busting nut trying to get their hands on a 72 truck or even a family car…family car as in chevelle or its cousins

yes old datsuns for cross racing, so in 91 ppl were actually moding your so called civic?

as i recall you could easily get a GN in the 12s or 11s in the 90s, you could get a TY/SY in the 12s with ease, you could get foxes in the 11s back then easy, do i need to go on? or i could continue to bring up the whole older car list

you see the younger generation modding imports these days. some older but most modern

also can you even remember 15yrs ago? i can and the cars above where the ones ppl were modding. 15 yrs ago i had a factory boosted regal in the family which became mine at the age of 16/17

15 yrs ago you were like 4 i highly doubt you remember cars that well

well how it happens is Quik will chim into anyones post that has information in it of either a car he cant afford(buy saying he would never pay over a certian amount) or a car he cant yes theres several civics out there he can beat but theres alos alot he cant. but now then it comes down to if it meets his requirments to race the car(i refere to him back out of a race with a noen cause it didnt look pretty). but i guess when you that good in your own world you can say whtever you want.

i remember seeing pickup trucks with plastic interior, so its not like trucks are the greatest things interior wise either.

and your truck(quik) is fast straight line(for being heavyly modified,you have a different motor correct) but theres alot other aspects to vehicals. if you wanna do a real world comparason like handleing , braking, gas milage etc. id be more than happy to put my stock all motor type R against your heavely modified truck. now im sure you’‘’ say your truck wasnt built for all that stuff" to back out of it(or some other excuse when your challanged) but its on the table if you wanna give it a shot.

i didn’t say they were hard to park…i sand pain in the ass to park…meaning …hard to find parking.

i bet if you & a person with a small econbox both lived in the city & parked on the street or commuted to work & had to park on the street…the person with the econbox would find parking more often them you.

& yes I would rather have a loaded cobalt over a base model malibu
or a sentra SER over a base model altima, etc… if iterior size wasn’t an issue in my purchase.
95 Civic interior

95 Beretta Interior.

I think we can all agree that both look pretty cheesy and cheaply done


agreed but thats the point…a civic was a econbox…a beretta was not but it sude does looks like one