Does anyone know anything about this car?

I like it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
But not for more than 2k as someone said before :rofl:


whoever buys that car has no friends

if he likes Berettas tell him to find a Indy Pace Car Beretta, that way it’ll be worth somethin

here an indy one. less mileage, cheaper.

I thought it would add a nice touch…picture joe dirt with his head out the window of this car…

quick this is your cue to buy it schmeider!

as far as the orange one…or the pace car one…

quoting old dirty georg…

you can put a bowtie on a pig…but its still a pig

and the orange car has the nostrils to prove it.

Not worth $7k, not even $3k, Berettas are worthless, believe me I know…

I’ve seen that car sitting before when I was driving by, and that was a long time ago so it’s not been bought for a reason. Someone else around the area said that the body is loaded with rust underbody and etc but I’m not sure. If he wants a Beretta tell him to check out in the For Sale section. The main thing to look for with the 3100 is the lower intake manifold gaskets leaking. If you want help in checking out a Z26 or anything like that let me know, I’ve replaced damn near everything on mine.

Stay away from one that is $7k unless it’s showroom new.

If the person really wants a Beretta, then i would get a GTZ. They come with the 2.3L HO (180hp) and a 5 speed. Unlike the Z26 with its 3100 v6 (155hp) and a auto.

This comming from a civic owner. :doh:

yeah and my car ( along with a million other honda’s )will make it over 200k along with the short list of things I’ll have to replace in its life time…

so lets compare the honda then if you wish???

and come on did you only read that post I’m pretty sure that the others on here own cars other than civics and will agree…maybe you should pay 7k for a berretta?? I think I’m trying to warn that potential buyer that its not worth that.

there aint nothing wrong with a beretta aslong as it’s not rasberry mettalic aka PINK…

that car is definately overpriced and

i used to have one. a long long time ago about 13-14 yrs ago. looked just like this one. 88 beretta GTU i even had a flowmaster muffler on it.

heather is there something your not telling us about berettas… Why do you have such hatred for them?

maybe she’s to tall and won’t fit in the back seat?:dunno:

LOL you guys are not catching on…the thread is about that ONE berretta listed on the first page…you know the ORANGE one…the one going for 7k…I was simply in all my posts saying how its fugly…in good humor i contracted a list of “why” not to buy it since thet parent of the was trying to keep their the kid from really wanting it. Then Mr. GrandAm somehow …though he drives a car which personally I hate except for the gtp (which is okay) threw out an assumtion that a honda owner can have no say about a ugly berretta.:burnout:

take a deep breath and count to 10:bigthumb:

so why do you hate them again :kekegay:

what car do you drive again:stick:

oh yeah and … are breaths :doh:

and those who now me…you know I could care less what others drive…to each his own…but I don’t have to like it

Its not like you drive a high end $100K+ car. I just find it hypcritical to talk shit on a beretta when you drive a civic. You act as if a civic is somehow any better then a beretta.

I like this guy…