Does anyone know anything about this hatch??

I saw this car for sale a while ago and it was the original owner. Then i saw it for sale a couple months ago. Now its for sale again from the third owner. I really like the car but if anyone knows anything about it let me know before i decide to look at it. Seems like something must be wrong with it if it keeps getting sold.


Something is wrong with anyone willing to pay $5000 for it. $3000-$3500 tops, and that is only if there isn’t bondo everywhere under the rattle can paint job.

lol i know the first two owners of that car/ engine… its not a bad car … but i cant speak for the most recent owner…

i wasnt talkin about the price just askin bout the car itself

little bit of history on the car/ engine… the car was built by a symmetry mechanic for a freind of mine who pretty much babied it while he owned it. he sold it to another freind of mine who didnt baby it so much but still took pretty good care of it… he totaled the original car and then bought a new hatch (the one thats actually being sold ) and took the engine out of the totaled hatch along with all the aftermarket parts and whatnot and put it all into the new hatch. he drove it for about another year or so then sold it to some guy in butler i believe b/c he wanted an s2k. then the butler guy sold it some other guy who i believe is the one selling it right now. I cant speak for how the butler guy or the current guy treated the car but i know while it was int he possession of my two friends they both took pretty good care of it. I believe the engine is actually from a year 2000 honda… i cant remember for sure though.

people have talked about that car up here, but i never saw it or knew anything more about it…

It’s slow.


A young kid owned it from butler/evans city area. I saw it flying around a few times. I wouldn’t trust it or buy it even if it was $2000

i know that car , i know the orginal kid who built it , and i know the hatch that motor came out of before it was in that one…the hatch it came out of before that one was totalled on mcknight…i watched it…lol…

the car moves for what it is…but no way in hell i would pay 5 g’s for it…

o and the recent owner i have talked to a few times…at least i think its the recent owner , it was like 2 months ago i talked to him , he works at jiffy lube in cranberry, i wouldnt buy it

looks like a piece of fuck to me sohc’s suck anyway

i don’t know about the current owner, but i know the kid who owned it when the motor was installed, and the mechanic who did the work. I have no idea what the car is worth, or what has happened with it recently, but I’ve known the mechanic who did most of the work for fifteen years and would trust any work he did.

HAHA, this thing is for sale again!

One of my best friends owned it. He drove the piss out of it, but took damn good care of it too. This car was fun as hell. Bullet proof. It definitely moves too.

Just had new head gasket installed along with porting and polishing of the head less than a year ago.

Started having some weird clutch/tranny issues iirc which is why it was sold in the first place.

Not worth 5k though by any means.