Unfortunately I have to sell this. Was planning on staying in NY long enough to finish it but I’m sick of being of dealing with all the bs living in this state brings. Only picture i have for now until I find the cord for my camera. Price is $700 o.b.o
sorry for shitty cell-phone pic like I said more will be added once I find the cord to upload them onto my computor.
buyer will recieve a rust-free wingless hatch, new wiring harness, slave cylender, 3" exhaust, spare hood, radiator, just about everything needed to make this run. Not interested in trades considdering I leave NY sunday.
had some rot, govel welding took care of it. The hatch that’s on there at the moment is rotted which is why I am including the wingless rust-free hatch with it. I took tons of pics on my camera but I cant find the cord to upload them onto my comp. :facepalm