Does anyone know y ubrf is down????








i lol’d

I dont think that those with the access level and knowledge of how to fix it frequent the forum enough anymore to maintain it. :gotme:

I don’t want to see it go away, but there isnt much I can do.


If it wasn’t for ubrf, this forum wouldn’t even exist.

UBRF days >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Present


well after being banned like 4 times… i think it got a little ridiculous…

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:25,topic:31803"”]

If it wasn’t for ubrf, this forum wouldn’t even exist.

UBRF days >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Present



I miss the old days. UBRF wasn’t perfect, but it was the first time 99% of the people on it (both members and staff) participated in a high-traffic, almost entirely local forum.

i liked it …:gotme: i would have never got to nyspeed or bubble tea…if it was not for ubrf…i had like 3,000 some posts

i :heart: ubrf

so many good memories. i always wondered how long it would stick around.


I miss the old days. UBRF wasn’t perfect, but it was the first time 99% of the people on it (both members and staff) participated in a high-traffic, almost entirely local forum.


I agree. I miss the OLD days but that was also before alot of us got older and moved onto other things in life.

I love that we’re already eulogizing it and no one even knows for sure if it’s really dead or not.

Remind me never to have any of you bastards on my emergency notification list. :slight_smile:

maybe haner tripped on the plug to the server again :stuck_out_tongue:





invite only :snky:

pumice’ll be living that down for like oh, well

everyone forgot already :slight_smile:

I guess the old sig needs to be retired…hard to believe it’s nearly five years old…


I love that we’re already eulogizing it and no one even knows for sure if it’s really dead or not.

Remind me never to have any of you bastards on my emergency notification list. :slight_smile:


:lol: :lol:


pumice’ll be living that down for like oh, well

everyone forgot already :slight_smile:


Do I know you?

Funny thing is, my Street Hackers logo (see sig) was originally offered to, who never could decide on a logo. When asked to help with a logo, it was again brought up, and maybe even used, if I recall. That died a pretty swift death - not sure if anyone remembers that whole situation, I think it was kept pretty quiet - so I decided to refine it a bit and use it myself. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I sent a message to SageMind’s customer support, since I also have a domain (nearly unused one, but whatever) hosted there, too. They basically replied saying they lost everything newer than April 2007, but should have it all restored. When? I dunno. But, assuming this is the case, UBRF will return as if May and June never happened, unless someone with access has been backing up the forum database regularly. I have a feeling that’s what saved NYSpeed. I’d assume Howie does DB backups.

Is there some other thread about this that I’ve overlooked? I don’t want to bother posting in the wrong thread… too late? haha

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:25,topic:31803"”]

If it wasn’t for ubrf, this forum wouldn’t even exist.

UBRF days >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Present



X2. I still went on UBRF 10 minutes a day, about the same time I do this forum.

To this day, they are the only forums I’ve ever used.

I REALLY hope UBRF comes back…

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:25,topic:31803"”]

If it wasn’t for ubrf, this forum wouldn’t even exist.


yea, well anytime theres a sinking ship theres something floating back to the surface

just sayin


yea, well anytime theres a sinking ship theres something floating back to the surface

just sayin


No, that’s not the case. UBRF was it’s own entity, and it was phenomenal. The summer of 2003 was incredible. I like NYSpeed a lot, but you can’t marginalize UBRF like that.