Does anyone know y ubrf is down????

the titanic was phenominal too

then it sank



the titanic was phenominal too

then it sank



:lol: Great anology.


Anyway, I sent a message to SageMind’s customer support, since I also have a domain (nearly unused one, but whatever) hosted there, too. They basically replied saying they lost everything newer than April 2007, but should have it all restored. When? I dunno. But, assuming this is the case, UBRF will return as if May and June never happened, unless someone with access has been backing up the forum database regularly. I have a feeling that’s what saved NYSpeed. I’d assume Howie does DB backups.

Is there some other thread about this that I’ve overlooked? I don’t want to bother posting in the wrong thread… too late? haha


Fucking amateur hour over at sagemind :picard:


the titanic was phenominal too

then it sank




I hope it’s not dead, especially since I’ve been browsing it for some 6yrs or so.

At least UBRF allowed avatars…one up over NYSpeed. LOL.

i’m sure it’ll be back as soon as someone figures out the ftp/cpanel logins

<== ready to pour out a little Coors Light…



<== ready to pour out a little Coors Light…



xander tilts hat sideways…" Yo this one’s for all my dead homeys"

So it is confirmed that it is dead and gone?

so whats the deal?

ubrf was a good forum and led me to nyspeed. it would be sad to see it go

what am i supposed to do with my sticker on the cackord now?



has anyone actually spoken with haner or howie or anyone else for that matter to see whats actually going on?

i have toda’s email but it’s in my ubrf pm’s :picard:

don’t think that howie has anything to do with it any longer. :gotme:


I miss the old days… ubrf days.
I miss the old days here too though.

I kinda like being grown up, but it was cool when I could chill at BT and MT and just dick around.

lol @ all comments.

It’ll be back up, mostly for the fact that I and a lot of people are lazy and have mad info stored in PM’s (I’m over the 11K mark >.<).

When? Who knows? I’m afraid some of you have lost some sales cuz of this misfortune. Our sincerest apologies :smiley:

Jack - you ain’t no grown up, boy

who is this toda fellow?

wooo t0da with the save…

quick somebody call out toda while hes on here :lol:

I miss Toda and the old days… Hows the civic man?