Does anyone NOT have a turkey for tomorrow?

why would you want to eat dog shit right before you eat your turkey? where the fuck does the lasagna come in?

lol good catch :lol:

to op: :bigtup:

was hooked up with number and got no anwser. :frowning:
Either way if I can’t get it to them for tomorrow, a turkey dinner anytime is good regardless, or at least the left over sandwithces !

Turkey Dinner > Roast Beef Dinner >>>>>>>>>>> dumb ham dinner

I HATE, HATE turkey. Gravey makes me want to vomit. So, I’m having a delicious lasagana for thanksgiving.


food > no food (and people still go with out it on this day)


Thank you for thinking about me and my effort.

PM replied to

if anyone wants my new number give me a PM


PS: Steak > Turkey (prepared right, see bacon turkey) > Pasta

All that is not man…

Thank you hot rod kid for the link to the post. :bigtup:

tpgsr are you making a legit turducken?

All that is man-not giving a fuck about some stupid bullshit tradition and eating whatever the fuck I want.

If someone wants to bring it over, I’ll fry it for them, in a little over an hour.

+1 real life karma!

Meeting up with him tomorrow thanks for all the help !

Fuck yeah. I made a roulade. It was a turkey breast
stuffed with cornbread dressing and then a duck stuffed with andouille sausage dressing and a chicken. All then wrapped up in bacon. I posted a picture on facebook. Go check it out. I wish that I had more time and could do it better with more pics. I will throw up a thread later or tomorrow based on my beer consumption in the next few hours.