I am preferably thinking one of the ones that you fry a turkey in, it would be perfect. I have 5 gallons of oil, anyone have a fryer? I dont really want to go buy one since i will rarely ever use it. I already have a fryer for my own personal use, just no big enough or portable enough to use at letchworth.
My housemate has one that I could grap but I am in rochester and I dont know what time that I am going to show up to the picnic. My z club is having there birthday picnic at 11, so I was going to show up fashionably late. Do yo know of anyone going down there early from rochester. I could be there by 4:30 ish. Let me know.
My roomates is a propane one too but you are probably better off bringing one from buffalo because I don’t know when I will show up, but let me know if you still need it.