Does (or has) anyone on here go War Driving?

could you even drive 3 years ago??? poser


Does it have PPC navigation and stuff too? I just got a bluetooth GPS for my phone and have been toying around…

I just used it on my buddies laptop, it worked pretty good down at the beach this year, that’s about all i know

I believe the city was implementing free WiFi in the downtown area, but to my knowledge nothing has happened with it. With all of these unsecured connections, would this not technically be illegal to use someone else’s broadband connection?

Yes its technically illegal to ‘steal’ their wireless connection. Its also a breach of your ISP contract (in most cases) to even broadcast it though.

But I have my own thoughts on this. In some cases the wifi signal from your neighbors can be broadcast into your home. If someone is broadcasting an unsecured wireless signal INTO MY HOME. Damn right I’m stealing that shit. Every AP has the ability to be secured to at least a basic level. IMO, it’s up to the owner of that AP to secure it.

why was wifi invented if anyone can “steal” the service?
can you dumb it down for me? :rofl:

Well its only stealing if a home user or some businesses have a WiFi access point setup in their homes/offices and you use it without permission. A lot of times these days people get these devices so they can connect their computer to the internet without having to run cables through their house. Or if they want their kids to have a computer in their room but again - don’t want to run a cable. But the side effect is the range of these Access Points (APs) is not limited to their house. So it’s possible to spread that signal hundreds of feet away. When it’s spread that far, and left unsecured - people with even a tiny bit of knowhow can just connect to that signal and use their resources (internet). Alot of times these APs are unsecured by default and the simplistic homeowner/business man just don’t bother to set up the security. I assume they think “its working, why bother?”

If used properly - no one can just steal it.

Around here no ones that hard core into using my internet, i just lock out all but my MAC

know of any software to use for discovery??? it would be nice to have on my laptop if i was on the road and needed to VNC into the network for something

Walmart, buy the keychain it’s 14 bux

NetStumbler. But last time i used it, it was picky about what NIC types it was compatible with. (probably more than a year ago)

Network Stumbler. Its pimp, and as such I use it.

yes. Check out mybday!

netstumbler works good for windows I hear.

Yes, netstumbler is tits.

If you guys are interested in some tweaks and my adventures with netstumbler, you may wanna read this: