
If you could go over to Iraq to repair mobile equipment and make 100,000 tax free would you go?

Ive been contacted by a company called KBR and they offered me this deal what should I do lol

Hannibal left to go do something over there for a year.

i personally wouldnt

I’m married, so I wouldn’t leave my wife to go do it and definitely would NOT take her with me.

If I were single, I would do it in a heartbeat- depending on other aspects of the deal (are you expenses (food, shelter, ect) covered while there? what happens if you get sick over there? ect)). If you literally banked $100K in one year over there and came home with it, you could invest that money and make a real, REAL nice turnover in 10-15 years.

You only live once.

Twice if you’re 007.

I’d be there in a heartbeat, I wish they needed people in my field over there, but I don’t think they need sales guys on the bases in Iraq.


but you will work 7 days a week for KBR 12 hr shifts ; the pay will be tax free also


ask for more.

and keep in mind, kbr are non-combatives. so you do NOT get to carry a weapon. and they get to get shot at too.

if you are single and want to make a quick buck, i guess… but there’s no career there, unless you want to be 40 and in a war zone.

no wife or kids? I’d go

Not worth it
:rofl: Fuck that

it should be understood that employment may be located in potentially dangerous areas, including combat or war zones. This might involve the possibility of suffering harm by dangerous forces or friendly fire. These dangers are inherent to working conditions in a dangerous environment."

I’ll send in my resume see if any tard such as me can get accepted :kekegay:

You have neither, so y aren’t you there?:rofl:

go play in the sand 01GPGT, devon is still cleaning sand from his twat.

wasn’t given the job opportunity!

There you go, there’s your opportunity:bash:

If i had a twat jim i would have stock in oscar myers and a freezer bigger than the state of texas

I cant argue with that.

aaaaahhhh that job is in afghanistan too

afghanistan is worse than iraq btw

yeah 100k really isn’t worth it. I’d be doing it for maybe 300k and whatever i do I get to carry a weapon, and return fire.

I wouldn’t go, because I’m not too big on the whole “war zone” thing, ya know?