
You only die once, too! But I would go if I was single.

My statement can be interpreted many ways. It was more of a thinking statement than a confirmation to go…

  1. You only live once -> don’t go if you fear death and dismemberment.
  2. You only live once -> so make the most of it.
  3. You only live once -> if it’s an opportunity you feel you can’t pass up, do it.
  4. You only live once -> $100K/yr tax free is a heck of a lot of money, how many other times will you have the opportunity to make that kind of scratch?

No way would I go. My best friend was killed in Iraq when things were supposedly getting better. The only way I would go is if I got to put a bullet in the head of the piece of sh!t who hit the button on the detonator of the remote IED that killed Tommy.

Not worth it.

I would go except for one thing. There is no way I get on an airplane for that long!

I always say I’d go in a heartbeat, but I think I’d have a tough time dealing with going into a war-zone, and not being allowed to carry a gun. That might actually be the deciding factor for me.

Bye bye. Shit yea I’d go. Yea it’s dangerous, sure you might die, but what’s so different from driving a car in southside when the bars let out? Experience is worth everything. Imagine stories for grandchildren.

if i want to make 100k i’d rather just make 150k and let them tax it. :kekegay:

not worth it in the least bit.

Watch this documentary before you make any decisions. It damn near made me cry.

why are there so many private contractors? Well becuz there aren’t enough people joing the military now a days to do all the work/jobs that need to be done so they have to find some way to do it. Or maybe we should just have a draft and solve the war profiteer problem? :dunno: but then that wouldn’t make all the people bitching about war profiteering happy either.

Anyways back on topic…you need to find out more details about it…is there transportation involved meaning do you live somewhere different from where you work and have to drive to work everyday, being exposed to a greater threat from IEDs and other threats. Like someone said before about food and such.

Single, no kids, no wife, no significant other why not go? Or you could just go find a job in Pittsburgh making 150k a year being taxed just as easy :hsugh:

I think bottom line is, what is important to you, is money the most important thing to you, or what about being away from family/friends for that long, being able to handle being in a war enviroment for that long. Got to really think about it first.

In Pittsburgh, are you serious? I’m not saying they don’t exist, but it certainly won’t be “just as easy.”

i think he was being sarcastic…

my point is that if money is your ultimate goal, either subject yourself to something with a questionable outcome or take the initiative to build a career that pays what you want where you live… that is my point… if money is most important, your going to have to find a job that pays… if you’re looking at jobs in the area that pay 40k a year then going to the middle east might be a good idea to make big bucks… otherwise start learning a skill and use it to your advantage…

thats the thing though, depending on who you know, what kind of previous experience, and what your career field is, from what i hear and know little about is that its not that easy to come by a job in Pittsburgh that is a big paying job unless you have 10-15+ years in at one place. Depending on what the details are about this particular contractor job or any contractor job for that matter going for a year is not exactly that bad for 100k. It all depends on you no one else can answer this for you. I mean he did ask for opinions and he is getting everyone’s opinion everyone is not gonna feel the same about it.

and i’m not arguing… my point is that if money is the most important… then why do something with potential death for 100k for a year when you can build a career that pays you until you retire?

my field is ever growing… jobs are hot now and rates are high… i could leave my job for a better paying one any day of the week… naturally that’s not how it is for most people, but it’s the IT field… experience is important but knowledge and skills are what get jobs…

why does anything dealing with iraq have to turn into a political debate?

anyways… i’ll put it bluntly… is your life worth a 100K tax free paycheck?

my luck friendly fire would take off my balls


how can you not be upset about the war profiteering? Do me (and yourself) a favor and watch that whole documentary. I know its long but it’s worth the watch.


how can you not be upset about the war profiteering? Do me (and yourself) a favor and watch that whole documentary. I know its long but it’s worth the watch.

yes it is not right but that is the world we live in, but seriously what else should be done just not do the jobs the contractors are doing?

Do you seriously not see the difference of going into a war zone and being on Carson Street when the bars let out? This might be the dumbest statement in this whole thread.

I see his point. I was robbed at gunpoint a few months back and could have very easily been shot. My brother has been in Iraq a few times and Afganistan a few times and he is still here.

If you want to go make a quick buck, go right ahead.